• ~ Twenty Seven ~ •

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Chapter 27: You're all I need underneath the tree


My father had walked into my bedroom in a Santa costume with jingle bells.


"Jeez Dad. It's 8:00."

"I was going to wake you up earlier. Be grateful. Besides, your mother is making Christmas pancakes!"

Kit's attention was now caught.

"Christmas pancakes? I love pancakes."

"Then you little shits better get up before my hungry ass gets down there."

I had chuckled and rolled out of bed.

"Perhaps I have something for you already." Kit said.

"Who says perhaps? Oh, do British people say that? Sometimes I forget your British-"

"Do you want the gift or not?" He said with a chuckle.

"Yes I want the gift!"

He handed me the envelope and I opened it. It was from U.S. Immigration Services.

"Babe, is this what I think it is?"

"Keep reading!"

I had continued reading the letter.

"No fucking way. You got accepted!?"

"Yeah! I did!"

I squealed in excitement and hugged him tight.

"Have you told your parents?"

"Not yet.."


"I know. I have to. Is it weird that I'm scared to tell them?"

"Not at all."

"Come on, Trav might eat all the Christmas pancakes."

He was trying to change the topic. I didn't want to push anything onto him, so I just let it slide.

I slipped on one of the hoodies Kit gave me and we went downstairs to see my mother cooking food.

"There you both are! Lexi, grab that plate of pancakes so your father can't have them."

"Aw man." My father said crossing his arms.

"It's okay Trav. I'm hungry too." Kit said put his hand on my father's shoulder.

"See, this is why you must keep him."

"Trust me Dad. He's not going anywhere."

"Especially not now." Kit had a bigger smile than before.

My parents looked at Kit.

"Did you get accepted?"

"Yeah! I did!"

"Finally!" My father said high fiving Kit.

My mother had pushed plates in front of each of us.

"We can talk about all that later. In the meantime, eat so we can open whatever is under that tree."

We had all eaten and went over on the couch to open our gifts.

Lots of little things we all had mentioned we wanted. Hoodies, Jewelery, shoes things along that sort. Kit had looked at my parents.

"Lex, there's on more gift for you." My mother said handing Kit an envelope.

"More envelopes? you people are going to be the death of me."

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