• ~ Sixty Three ~ •

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Chapter 63: Cheater

I went a few days trying to ignore the fact Josh was being cheated on, but I couldn't do it. Regardless of Josh and I's past, I will always care about him. Josh is a sweet person and doesn't deserve to be with a two faced bitch.

I turned to Kit as we sat in our bed.

"I should tell Josh about Riley, shouldn't I?"

"I think you should. I mean, you know what it's like to get cheated on. I think you can help him."

"Yeah, you're right.."

"I know I am."

I rolled my eyes with a smile. Karcyn had knocked on the door.

"Yo Lex, someone is here."

I stood up and walked over to the front door. It was Riley.

"Hey." I said. "How did you find my house?"

"I went through Josh's phone. I saw that you've been texting my boyfriend. What do you have going on with Josh?"

"Josh and I are just friends. Besides, you're the one who was on a date with someone else."

"I wasn't on a date. I was with my cousin." Riley said clearly lying.

"Really? So you kiss your cousin on the lips?"

"Look, don't tell Josh."

"Why wouldn't I tell Josh? He's one of my best friends. He doesn't deserve this."

"If you tell Josh, I will ruin your career."

"Oh I'm so scared."

"I'm not kidding."

"Look, I'm telling Josh unless you tell him yourself."

"Okay. Fine. I'll tell him."

"Thank you. Now please leave my apartment."

I closed the door and looked at the time.

"Hey, I gotta go meet up with Charlie. I'll see you guys later."

Kit had walked over and kissed me before I left.

Once I got to Charlie's studio, I had gone upstairs. He was staring at the wall.

"Charlie? You good man?"

He turned around.

"Oh yeah. I'm just trying to finish the song I want us to do."

"By staring at a wall?"

"Pretty much. It helps me think."

Charlie had me sing a verse in a song he wrote called Done For Me.

Once we had finished the take, I turned to Charlie.

"Hey, if you were being cheated on, would you wanna know?"

Charlie turned confused.

"Well yeah. I'd probably be mad at first, but I'd wanna know. Who's getting cheated on?"

"You know my friend Josh?"

"The ex Josh?"

"Yeah. Kit and I saw his girlfriend kissing someone else, then when she realized Kit and I knew she threatened to ruin my career if I told Josh."

"Do you think she's actually capable of ruining your career though?"

"I don't know. I mean she just showed up out of nowhere. I didn't even know Josh had a girlfriend."

"Is that where you're headed?"

"Yeah. I think so."

"Good luck."

"Thanks Charlie." I said with a smile before leaving.

As I drove to Josh's house, I kept thinking about how this would absolutely crush him. He had nobody to lean on except for me. He had no siblings and both of his parents were dead.

I turned on the radio to hear them mentioning Josh's new song called Monster with Justin Bieber. It was actually really good.

I had pulled into his driveway and took a deep breath. I walked up and rung the doorbell. He opened the door.

"Oh hey Alex. What's up?"

"Can I talk to you about something?"

"Yeah, come in."

He said letting me inside his apartment. It was nicely put together, but I wouldn't expect anything less from Josh.

"So what did you need to talk about?" Josh asked.

"1. Love the new song. 2. I think Riley is cheating on you. Actually I know she's cheating on you."


"Kit and I were at the little diner by my house, and we saw Riley making out with some guy."


"Yeah. I know. I'm sorry."

"No, wow that you'd lie about something like this."

"What? Josh I'm serious. Why would I lie to you about something like this?"

"I don't know, but Riley wouldn't do that."

"Josh, she came to my house earlier threatening me. She said she was gonna ruin my career if I told you."

"Why are you making this worse for yourself?"

"Oh my god. She's got you under some spell or something. Josh I would never lie to you about anything."

"I mean you lied about why you broke up with me. Why wouldn't you lie about this?"


"Lex. Can you just go?"

"Josh please."


"Fine. But I hope it doesn't wreck you when you find out the truth. You don't deserve that."

• ~ • ~ • ~ •

A/N: Ngl this book is giving really bad tv show but I'm here for it. Anyways, love you guys -Abby <3

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