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Taylor was still in London. She didn't want to leave Dylan alone just yet, the girl really wasn't in the best shape, not just physically, but mentally too.

It was currently 3am and Dylan was finally asleep, but Taylor couldn't sleep.

In all honesty, Taylor was severely stressed. Between her new album/comeback and Dylan's drama, she didn't know what to do.

She knew she had to stay with Dylan, but her team also told her to be in New York for the album announcement, but she knew she couldn't leave.

She watched as Dylan surprisingly slept peacefully. The last few nights she could barely sleep at all and when she did she would've got woken up by nightmares.

I wonder if she dreams of me the way I dream of her, Taylor thought to herself with a smile

Her smile quickly faded when the sound of her phone ringing caused her to panic incase it caused Dylan to wake up.

She quickly hit the silence button to stop the ringing before peeking over at her girlfriend. Thankfully, Dylan was still fast asleep.

Taylor quickly ran into the bathroom to answer her phone,

"Taylor Alison Swift, I am gonna kill you,"

"Wow, hello to you too Tree," Taylor sassed, "You do know it's 3am right?"

"Okay well this is urgent,"

"What's wrong?"

"Why are you not back in New York yet?"

"Can't I do the promo from here?"

Tree let out a sigh before speaking,

"The music videos are finished?"


"All of the posts are ready to go,"


"Okay fine, you can stay there for a while. But you need to be back here by November, we can kick off the secret sessions in London, I'm sure Dylan will let you use her house,"

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?"

"You're welcome," Tree replied, Taylor just knew she was smiling on the other side of the phone, "How's she doing?"

"She's okay, I'm just tryna keep her mind off of things,"

"Kate told me that she cancelled two of her interviews?"


"Send her my love, and go to bed Taylor it's 3am,"

"Okay mother Tree," Taylor teased


Taylor shook her head as she put her phone on silent and walked back into the bedroom.

However she got the fright of her life when she walked in to find Dylan sitting up on the bed reading a book,

"Fancy seeing you here," Dylan teased

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" Taylor asked as she climbed back into bed

"No, I just woke up," Dylan shrugged

Taylor knew she was lying, Dylan had clearly had a nightmare.

"Okay well you need to go back to sleep," Taylor said

"Why were you not asleep?"

"I had things to do," Taylor shrugged

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Dylan asked with a raised eyebrow

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