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.ೃ Cute moments of nyla .ೃ

.ೃ - On her birthday the members surprised her and she woke up with the biggest smile

.ೃ - She made flower crowns for all the members and then posted pictures of all of them wearing them

.ೃ - Her being seen playing at a playground with Jungwon and Felix

.ೃ - She bought Jun-Han a new guitar for his birthday and customized it with her drawings

.ೃ - She gave Hyunjin a drawing of him painting with a message in the corner 'My brother, the artist <3' with a smiley face

.ೃ - When she said on live that "Sakura was the only stable person in my life when i was growing up,  i owe everything to her. She was young when we first met  but she took on such a caring role for me that made it seem like she was much older than she was. Sakura has spent most of her life caring for me. she deserves all the love in the world and more"

.ೃ - Even if she had school in the morning she would stay up to play video games with Felix

.ೃ - She has a list of anything the members have ever said they wanted

.ೃ - When she talks to STAY her voice gets really soft and looks at them adoringly

.ೃ - she told STAY on live that the last time she cried it was because Chan said he was proud of her

.ೃ - She always plays with Seungmin's hair and always falls asleep after a few minutes

.ೃ - Lee know said in an interview that he has a photo album filled with pictures of Nyla that she's sent him, most of them being close ups of her eyes or 0.5 pictures that lee know can't bring himself to delete (The album have over 1,000 pictures)

.ೃ - When she does vlogs she always puts the camera really close to her eyes and nose

.ೃ - When a fan asked what her favorite thing about herself was she said "I like......that i have STAY!" with a big smile

.ೃ - When I.N graduated high school she picked flowers that she had grown and made him a bouquet, using flowers that were his favorite colors

.ೃ - During a fan meet a STAY told her she had a beautiful smile so the rest of the day smiled brightly

.ೃ - For every members birthdays she decorates the dorm and makes them breakfast. But she only says happy birthday at the exact time they were born

.ೃ - On bubble she was sending a voice message when Han came in and made her cackle so hard she couldn't breathe for the rest of the message

.ೃ - also on bubble she wrote two paragraphs thanking STAY for loving and accepting her

.ೃ - Anytime she is tired she jumps onto Changbin's back and makes him carry her

.ೃ - she admitted that reason why she was so protective of the members "When i was younger my parents weren't there for me at all. I was very lonely and i hated it. Every time i cried or was upset i promised myself that when i found people i loved i would never let them feel this way,  so all this time i've tried to keep that promise and i think i have so far"

.ೃ - It was confirmed by Nyla that she has a set amount of money she knows she can live with, and whenever her bank balance goes over that amount she donates the money to a charity. She has being doing this since she received her first pay check

.ೃ - Whenever she's bored she draws on her shoes and clothes. Most of her shirts, pants and shoes are covered in sketches and doodles, because of this she doesn't buy expensive clothes

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