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Nyla woke up, already dreading the day ahead. It was her 15th birthday. She hated her birthdays. She hated the fact she was getting older. It upset her. It always had. Just the thought of growing up made her feel like crying. It filled her with anxiety and unknowing that she hated. She also hated that birthdays reminded her of her parents. Her earliest memory of a birthday was spending it alone in her bed room while her parents argued. Ever since then she's never celebrated them, there was no need. Why would she celebrate getting older? Her dad didn't care either, only Sakura did. Every year despite nyla's objections she would bring her a present and small cake. She would sing happy birthday to her and tell her to make a wish. Every year nyla had the same wish "for Sakura to stay with me and for her to be happy forever" Then when she met Jungwon and he bought her cake, a present and sung for her, she added to the wish "I wish for Sakura and Jungwon to stay with and for them to be happy forever" and then when she met Jun han and he did the same as the others, she added to the wish again "I wish for Sakura, Jungwon and Jun Han to stay with me and for them to be happy forever" so far the wishes had come true.

When she had woken up she just stayed on her bed. She didn't feel like getting up. What was the point? The dorm felt different without Felix and minho, she didn't like being there anymore. She heard a knock at the door "come in" she called out
Seungmin opened the door, carrying a bowl of cereal and an apple "morning" he said, smiling softly "I got you breakfast"
"Thank you" she said, smiling lightly and sitting up
"I didn't want you to not eat" he told her, handing her the bowl and fruit "I know it's not gourmet but it's the best you're going to get" he shrugged
"It's great, thank you, Min" she uttered, looking up at him with a grateful smile
"We're all in the living room if you want to come out" he said, opening the door "we're here to talk, but only if you want to"
Nyla nodded and gave him a tight lipped smile "thank you" she exhaled
Seungmin nodded and closed the door.After eating her breakfast she went back to her room. It had been a few days since Felix and minho had been eliminated. And she was still struggling with it. It was weird being in the dorm without the two. She hated it. It felt empty and cold. There was no longer Felix's warm laugh and his smile that made her feel peaceful. There was no longer Minho's caring actions and his fond, bright eyes that comforted her in an instant. She missed them more than anything. She laid on her bed and stared at the ceiling.

After an hour of laying there it was already 3pm. Usually she would have been practicing but after her outburst at felix's elimination the group had been given a day off. JYP was convinced the reason she had yelled at him was because she was tired and not because he had done something wrong. Nyla reluctantly got out of bed and looked at herself in the mirror. She was still wearing her pyjamas, one of Minho's hoodies he had left for her and gray sweat pants. She put her hair into a bun and put her glasses on. She left her room and went into the living room where all the others were. They watched her walk in but didn't say anything. They knew she wouldn't say that much back. She never said much anymore.

Nyla sat beside Bang chan. After a few seconds on sitting and watching TV she lent her head on his shoulder. He exhaled deeply and smiled to himself before focusing on the screen again. He was glad the girl still felt comfortable with him. He hoped soon she would feel comfortable enough to open up to him, but he was willing to wait.

Soon after she had sat down it was 4:45pm. Nyla heard a knock and the door and so did the others. Han got up since he was the closest to the door and opened the door to find that it was Jungwon and Jun Han, with Sakura on the phone. Jun Han was holding a cake with candles and they were both singing 'happy birthday' The members turned to nyla with confused expressions as she inhaled deeply. She put on a smile and waited for the two to walk over to her. In a few seconds they were standing in front of her, holding the cake out "happy birthday to you~!" They sang, Sakura lagging behind from the phone
"Make a wish and blow out the candles" Jungwon told her with a smile
Nyla smiled softly and closed her eyes "I wish for Sakura, Jungwon and Jun Han to stay with me and for them to be happy forever" she wished again, she was about to open her eyes when she thought of another "I also wish to debut happily and with the boys, including Minho and Felix" she said in her mind. Slowly, she opened her eyes and blew the candles out
The two boys and Sakura cheered while the others watched, still confused. However after a few seconds of the three cheering they joined in by clapping along "happy birthday, JiJi" Jungwon beamed, hugging the girl tightly "I can't wait to see what 15 year old Hye-Ji is like" He told her
She smiled at him "I can't wait to be 15 year old Hye-Ji with you" she told him
After Jungwon hugged her Jun Han did, just as tightly as Jungwon had "I know you hate birthdays but we love you and this is what we do" he said, laughing lightly
"I know" she nodded with a small smile
"Sakura's here" Jungwon said, handing nyla the phone which showed the girl smiling brightly
"Hye-Ji!" she beamed, waving to nyla through the screen "happy birthday, baby otter"
"Hi, Kura" nyla smiled "thank you for being here, well not here, but here virtually"
The older girl smiled and her "I'm never missing any of your birthdays, ever" Sakura said "I'll give you a proper birthday hug when I get back, I promise"
"I know you will" nyla said, smiling softly
Sakura stayed quiet for a second, watching nyla with a smile "I'm sorry I can't be there with you, but I'm always thinking about you. You're the reason I'm doing this and the reason I've gotten this far. I love you so much, always remember that" she said
"I love you too, Kura" nyla nodded with a smile "I know you're doing amazing. Just debut for me and then come back quickly, I miss you"
"I miss you too and I will" Sakura nodded with teary eyes "I have to go but I'll ask if I can call again later, okay?"
"Yeah" nyla nodded. Sakura and nyla said goodbye and she handed the phone back to Jungwon. She sat and stared at her feet, how could she explain this to them? Why she didn't tell them it was her birthday. She breathed in deeply and looked up and Jun Han and Jungwon who were standing there awkwardly . She looked up at the two and gave them a look, they understood and went into the kitchen to put the cake away "I'm sorry" nyla said as the two went to the kitchen "I know I should have told you guys it was my birthday but...I don't know" she sighed
"It's okay" chan said, reaching forward and grabbing her hand "you don't have to tell us anything, if you don't want to"
Nyla exhaled and looked at the others "still, we're a group, I need to tell you guys things" she said
The others nodded. They wanted to know more about her, to understand her but they didn't want to push her. They wanted her to be comfortable "why didn't you tell us?" Han asked after a few seconds of silence
She breathed in and looked up "my birthdays remind me of my parents" she told them, exhaling "and that I'm growing up. I don't want to get older. It scares me, and birthdays are just a day where you celebrate growing up" she sighed "and they're days that you celebrate with your parents and family...which I obviously don't do"
"You do have a family" Changbin told her "Jungwon, jun Han and Sakura. And now you have us"
"You're going to be with us for a while" jeongin said with a smile "and we're going to be here for you the whole time"
Nyla smiled. A real smile. The first real smile since the eliminations. It made all of them smile back "thank you" she said "I'm going to start telling you guys things"
"Only if you're 100% sure" Hyunjin said
Nyla nodded and smiled at the floor. She was happy here. With this group. It would all be okay.

They spent the rest of the night talking and watching nyla open her one present Jun Han and Jungwon had gotten her. It was a Venus fly trap, that she had been saying she'd wanted for ages. They ate cake and then after Jungwon and Jun Han left (because it was late) they called Felix and Minho. Nyla was so happy to be speaking to the two of them again. She couldn't stop smiling. The two were both the same as nyla. The three of them couldn't stop smiling and laughing as they spoke. They both wished her a happy birthday and Said they'd meet up soon. Nyla would hold them to that. After the call, nyla felt a little better. She saw that they were doing okay and that made her very glad.

As she went to sleep that night she reminisced over the day. This was the best birthday she'd ever had. Even though Sakura was there over the phone she was still there. She'd spoken to Minho and Felix. The members understood her, and Jun Han and Jungwon were there as well. She had smiled today more than she had in weeks. It was a really good day.

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