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Nyla was sitting in the living room when she heard Changbin groan loudly. They were the only two in the dorm since everyone else went to either get food or go to the convenience store to get dessert. They had a tradition that once a week the group would get food from a restaurant and bring it back to the dorm so they could eat together and be as loud as they wanted without disturbing people in a restaurant

Nyla got up and went to Changbin's room "what's up, bin?" She asked, looking into the room
He looked at her with a panicked expression "I've got a pimple" he told her, pointing to a red spot on his cheek
Nyla walked further into the room and laughed "girl, please" she sighed "you're so dramatic, there was no need to scream"
"Yes there was!" He exclaimed, standing up and waking closer "look it's massive!"
Nyla rolled her eyes and looked closer "oh my god!" She exclaimed dramatically, covering her mouth and widening her eyes "that is the biggest pimple I've ever seen!"
"Really?" He asked, looking at her with wide panicked eyes
Suddenly her face dropped and she started laughing "no" she laughed "it's pathetic" she told him
He sighed relieved and nodded "can you please help me" he asked
"Of course" she said with a smile "wait here"

After a few minutes she came back into his room, she had multiple bottles with her "lay down" she instructed "this is a facial now"
Changbin laid down happily and smiled "I've always wanted a facial!"
She laughed and picked up the first bottle, tipping a bit of the liquid into her hand. She slapped it on his face and violently patted it in "you're so aggressive!" He exclaimed while squirming
"And you're a baby" she laughed, picking up another bottle "I'll try to be a bit more gentle this time" she told him
He smiled and nodded "good"

She rubbed another serum into her hands and then slapped it onto his cheek harder than she did the first time. He yelped in pain and sat up while clutching his cheek "that was not gentle!" He exclaimed with a laugh. Nyla fell onto her back laughing hysterically "Nyla! Nyla! Say sorry!" He said, trying not to laugh "nyla!" He cackled, finally bursting out into a fit of laughter. Both of them sat there for a minute just laughing "your laugh is making me laugh more!" Nyla laughed, clutching her stomach.

When they finally stopped laughing nyla went back to doing his skincare but this time she was more gentle "oh wow" nyla exclaimed with a smile "you're glowing, bin" she smiled, picking up a mirror and handing it to him
Changbin looked in the mirror and exclaimed "Hey!" He exclaimed with a wide smile "you're going to have to do this every night!"
She laughed and nodded "gladly" she said, patting his shoulder "I'm gonna go get a drink, you want one?"
He nodded "I'll just come" he said, standing up. The two went to the kitchen and poured two glasses of soda to drink. They drank them while sitting on e couch and watching tv "the news makes me sad" nyla told him "everyday is a new catastrophe"
He laughed "so you just don't watch it?" He asked, looking at her while drinking his side
"Nope" she sighed "I'd rather be happy and in denial, then sad and caught up" she shrugged, putting her glass on the floor

After a few more minutes Changbin and nyla went to her room after they decided that nyla would do Changbins make up "okay sit against my bed" she told him, waking towards her desk and picking up her Make up "do you wear a lot of make up?" Changbin asked her, watching her pick a few things up
"I wear mascara and lip gloss sometimes" she told him "but on stage I obviously wear more"
Changbin nodded and looked at her as she sat down in front of him
"Get ready to become a new man, bin" she told him with a smile. She spent around 30 minutes doing his make up, she sat back and looked at him "well, Changbin" she sighed "I have to say, you've never looked better"
He smiled "am i beautiful?" He asked, posing by framing his face with his hands and fluttering his eyelashes
She laughed and nodded "so beautiful" she said. He looked in the mirror and both of them started laughing again "let me get a picture" she laughed, picking her phone up and taking a picture of him.

STARGIRL   | SKZ 9th memberWhere stories live. Discover now