Spoiled Brat

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I know you are all waiting to hear about my childhood as Prince Taylor. That's me by the way. But before I do this, I should explain an aspect of the world that I live in. It's not the same as your world. It is the future. So being the nice person I am, I will explain one aspect of my world that may sound extreme for you and even unbelievable. However, this is the future. It will affect your children and grandchildren!

In your world, you would never force a child to wear girl clothes and act like a girl. I am sure that it was done, but it would have been seen as child abuse. I heard that it was common in the Victorian age. However, things changed. Children were respected and had more rights. It was illegal to spank children or harshly discipline them. I think this was good. You can raise a child without hurting them. It was good that children were protected. The problem was that some parents had no clue how to raise children. it was thought that children were becoming worse and worse. Adults thought that children were undisciplined and spoiled brats. Parents felt powerless. Still, this was a time when my parents were raised as children, and they ended up being good people.

So when I was born, things started to change. Some people thought that petticoat discipline for unruly boys was a good idea. After a lot of public debate, people no longer thought that it was abuse. So it was allowed. Not a lot of boys were given this treatment, as while parents thought it was not a bad thing, they did not want to do it to their sons. There was only one school in my country that had a petticoat discipline for boys. Only a handful of boys went there, so we never heard much about it. I heard that some parents did it at home, where they treated their son as a girl for a few days. I never heard any boy admit that this happened to them. All in all petticoat treatment was allowed, but was not a common practice.

I had a friend who went to the Victorian Virtue Institute. His name was Blake. He was the same age as me. We used to be good friends, but he started at the VVI a few months before this story started, so I no longer had him to hang around with. When he told me he was going to the special school, I could not understand why. He was in my class and he never got in trouble. I was only 10, so I had no clue what petticoat discipline was. Blake never told me what would happen at the school either, so I just thought that he was going to an ordinary boarding school.

I was part of the Royal Family. My grandmother was the Queen and my dad was the crown prince. I was the oldest, so this means that someday I would be the King. I had a little sister whose name was Julia. She was 7 years old. The Royal family was respected and loved by the people. We lived in luxury and did not understand that some people in the country found it hard to pay daily expenses. We lived in a palace but had homes all over the country.

As I told you, I was 10 years old when this happened. I was an ordinary boy who liked ordinary boy things. The difference was that I was a prince. I never was hungry and had maids and servants who did everything for me. I realized by the age of 10 that being a royal prince was not the same as other boys. While I had a great life, there were also some disadvantages. One thing was that my life was predestined. I could not be a fireman if I wanted or work as James Bond. I was going to be a King. Another annoying thing was that I was public property. Every time I walked in public, the paparazzi were there taking pictures of my every move. In the media, my every move was analysed over and over again.

So where do I finally start my story? I suppose I can start with a time that I was with my mom visiting an elderly people's home. My mother was a perfect princess. She smiled and spoke with everyone. I was much different. I know that as a prince, the public needed to see me and I had obligations. It was not often I had to do things like visiting a retirement home. However, my mother thought it would be a good learning experience. I wanted to be in any other place than this. One of the old ladies ruffled my hair and told me that I was so sweet. I spoke before I thought and replied that it was good that I was not an old bat like she was. Needless to say, my comment was on the front pages of the media the next day. I was seen as a rude prince. My mother told me she was so disappointed in me.

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