Chapter 1 - robbery

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Isabella's pov:

Me and summer were walking side by side. when suddenly we were pulled into an alley way

What the fuck!

I didn't say that out loud to busy trying to fight whoever it was away

"hand me your purses and any valuable items on you before I have to use force" a manly voice spoke from infront of us

He sounded atleast 40.

Is he being for real he ain't getting no money from me

"no fuck off!" summer said frustrated by this inconvenience

He from what I could see in the dark lighting looked really angry like REALLY angry

He launched at her and ended up grabbing her purse

We're good fighters though so we attempt to fight him off, pulling my knife out on him he still keeps hold of summers purse

"man just give the purse back" i said and he sent some sort of growl my way

Okay doggy

"POLICE!" the guy screamed and stupidly both me and summer turn as we can't be caught by the police right now

When we turn backs round he's on the run

I groan and look at summer in annoyance before running after the waste of space and oxygen

She follows after me

"SLOW THE FUCK DOWN I'M NO RUNNER!" she screamed from behind me and I laughed while rolling my eyes

My laughter stops when I see the dude approach a car

A black BMW

Rich robbing prick

Liscence plate numbers 34wgk856r

Due too past training I can observe very well and have a photo graphic memorie so I can remember things quite easily

Summer catches up with me both of us out of breath looking at the car for a moment more before turning back around to each other with stern faces

"the audacity of that guy" summer said with a roll of her eyes

"thank God my card and phone wasn't in there" she winks at me i stare at her in disbelief

I was chasing that BMW guy thinking that he had her phone and card

Guess not either way he has some audacity that idiot really think he'll get away with that

If I ever see him again he is so dead!

Thrid person pov:

Both girls thought that car belonged to the guy who robbed them

Little did they know

He was tricking them, that car belongs too two rich, wealthy and feared men

The king twins.

The robber guy didn't know this he just wanted them to think he got in the car

He didn't know it might cost the girls lifes.

More importantly the girls freedom.

Summer's pov :

That purse was my favourite

Fuck that theif for stealing from me

Me and izzy made are way home without the purse for now but keeping the dirver plate numbers in mind.

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