chapter 33 - mixed feelings

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Isabella's pov:

Catherine was at gun point.

"STOP DON'T HURT HER!!" I screamed in panic I can't have her lose her life for this

"CARTER LET HER GO NOW!" Summer demanded him in a scared but stern tone

"It's okay girls , Kill him." Catherine said and the guards who held her tightened their grip making her groan

"No I can't , you can't die!" I shouted trying to fight the guards off her

"Shoot her." Carter said and my heart stopped

In a second her body was bleeding out on the floor

"NOOOOO" me and summer both screamed crawling over to her

I killed all the guards holding her , they were the last men carter had.

The boys all still kept hold of him

"I'm sorry girls" adrain said and I shook my head , I was sobbing so hard "kill him." I said getting up with tears down my face.

"You killed her!" Summer said going for him but Killian and Alexander held her back as I cried

"Summer don't" Killian said

"We're gonna kill him don't worry" Alexander said and they all held their guns to his head

Me and summer joining

I look at Catherine as my heart breaks.

Her eyes empty.

"What would your mother Say about this?" Carter said trying to save himself clearly

"She'd-" Emilio tried speaking but was cut off by someone

"I'd say I was proud of them all of them" a woman's voice echoed behind me Emilio and Alexander turn to her "mum?" Emilio said about to cry

"Mum?" I said confused turning around

"Yes I'm Emilio and Alexanders mum" the woman said and then it hits me , my mum.

She mustn't know

I just look at her shocked

"Now I think it's time you all kill him" she said and I turned around still shocked trying to shake out of it

Alexander had tears down his face aswell as Emilio

"Nice to see you again Veronica" Leonardo yelled out too her looking at carter still

"The famous Veronica" Luke muttered

"Aww Leonardo you've grown" she said and then looks at me trying to figure out who I am

"Shoot." I said and then I shot him right in the head

Everyone did.

He was dead and my brain was dancing

"He's dead" I said in relief falling to the ground

"Catherine's dead" I whispered as adrain came over to comfort me and Killian went to summer

"She wanted him dead it was her last wish and you are the reason we could do it" he said to me as I looked at her lifeless body

"She shouldn't have died!" I said and crawled over to her body

"Shhh" he said and hugged me

I cried into his arms so hard

Carter's dead, I think I just found my mum and Catherine just died

I don't know how to react.

I heard summers sobs and nothing else mine and summers sobs that's it so everyone else either left and I doubt that

"She cared Izzy she sacrificed her life so you could get your vernges" Adrian said and I just sobbed

"She didn't need too " I whispered and then I looked up at him

Eye contact strong

I just realised in this moment

The same moment I lost Catherine,I killed carter and found my mum

I'm falling for adrain king.

"I love you Izzy" adrain said and my whole world was on freeze mode as I looked around

"Mum this is Isabella , Isabella Athena romano" Alexander said and I looked up at her my eyes empty and lost

I didn't know what to say or do.

"You found her" she said speechless

"Oh my god you found her" she shouted and came over it hug me and I let her because a hug is what I needed right now

"I have a mum" I whispered with a laugh

"You have a mum" Jacob smiled at me

"Zoe , Catherine and your dad would have been so proud Izzy" Leonardo said and I just cried even more

"Summer they'd off been so proud of you too" he said too her and then I left the hug from my mum and hugged the one person who can fix everything


"We did it." She whispered

"We made it summer after everything." I said and jumped on her in happinesses mixed with sadness

I can't explain it.

"We did it for everyone who didn't" summer said and I smiled at that it was true and sweet

----6 hours later----

We now all were finally back home and cleaned up

"My love I'm so proud of you" adrain said and I just smiled him "I love you" he said and I knew what I wanted to say next but I wouldn't say it yet because I'm not sure

"Thank you" is all I say and he leans in and we lightly kiss I needed it and it felt amazing we just held eye contact after and then I quickly looked away

No one's in the room only us they all went to make food so we can..


As Alexander said.

I think it's alot more than that.

We have too discuss alot today because alot happened

They found out about all the stuff , we killed carter , Catherine died , I found my mum and I think I've fallen for adrain


"Izzy?" Summer asked as she came in the room

"Are you okay?' she whispered

"I honestly don't know" I whispered back as everyone else sat at the table

She sat besides me as adrain say on the other end of me.

"Yeah same." She replied "we'll be okay we always are" I reminded her and she nodded agreeing

We always ended up being okay in the end.

Honestly I don't think I'm scared of anything anymore.

I've had it all.

Nothing surprises me anymore because my life has been a package full of huge and horrible surprises and I made it through every single one

I'm proud of myself for that.


Dont worry I am not done yet

Another 2 chapters I think but this is the big one

The next one will show adrain and Izzy kissing and admitting their love to eachother and then the next half of that one will be summer and Killian kissing and sharing their feelings not saying they love eachother yet

The last one then will be a sneak of their future

I really hope you've enjoyed this story and that you enjoy the final 2 chapters

Share all thoughts on this story as much as you can.

I love you all so much , goodnight 💞💞💞

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