chapter 26 - monsters

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Isabella's pov:

We are so fucked.

I have a bad feeling now.

Why did I say yes ugh I fucking hate myself , it's too late to back out now we're standing Infront of their VIP room door

I look to summer she nods nervously and then I knock on the door taking a deep breath

I wait for an answer

"Come in" I hear Alexander's strict voice say and I close my eyes before entering the room

Summer follows behind me and closes the door behind herself

I look at them all they all sit on a sofa surrounding a table

"Sit please" Killian demanded and I itch to have a go at him for all his demanding but I already have enough enemy's

Putting myself back on the map was big enough of a risk

"What did you need" I asked as I say down besides summer who sat besides Emilio

"We'd like to make an alliance with you" adrain said in his rough and cold voice

"As in? I hope you know we don't always do alliance's it isn't exactly our thing" summer said and Emilio looked at her as if she reminded him of someone

We need to get this over with quickly.

"Well we'd like you to help with protection of our queen's who are also their sisters" Killian said and I was so close to laughing

Want me to protect myself?

I always do anyways so sureeee

"Do you find this funny miss?" Emilio tried to get serious he actually kinda seemed scary it was strange seeing them all in full business and scary mode

They actually liked being feared?

They liked being monsters.

"No I do not you just remind me of someone" I said and scratched the back of my neck everyone's eyes went to my neck

Alexanders eyes went angry.

Like really angry it actually scared me it was like he'd been taken over by some demon

"Where'd you get that!?" He yelled at me

I looked at him confused and then at summer she then looked down at my neck signalling me too look

My necklace?

Oh shit

No they surely wouldn't have known the exact necklace their dead mother wore right?

Oh god.

Why did I wear this necklace today!!!

"From a shop ,why?" I snakly answer back and Emilio looked worse than Alexander "grab them" Emilio commanded the guards do grab both me and summer

"Excuse me?!" Summer said punching the guard in the face

Then she looked at my necklace realising who's it belonged to first

"Oh fuck" she said and face palmed

"Tell your guards to back off!!' I screamed at them

"No can do" Jacob said and I glared at him

"Yes you fucking can now tell them" I said looking at adrain my voice changer not doing much anymore because of my yelling

I hear a click of a gun behind me

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