43. It's Time

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Abhimanyu saw his Mumma walking near his room. He understands why she is here as he can hear his son’s crying in the hallway.

Ashika saw him worriedly,

“Why is he crying so much?” she asked in concern. 

Even Abhi is quite worried and confused at his sudden change in behavior. 

They reach his room and Abhi open the door only to hear the heart wrenching crying of his baby boy who is screaming his lungs out.

“God my ba- AARAVII!!” Ashika who rushed inside first shouted in panic as her eyes fell on Aaravi lying unconscious on the floor.

Seeing Aaravi lying near the crib lifelessly, Abhi ran to her and turned her in his lap. His blood turned cold seeing the trail of blood from her nose to her neck. 

Ashika grasped in shock and was about to sit beside her when her ears caught the heartbreaking cry of Abheer. She rushed toward his crib and took him in her arms.

Her insides clenched in pain seeing his small face completely red and drenched in sweat and tears.

“A..aravi, Jaan…” Abhi softly calls her name while gently caressing her face. Tears formed in his eyes seeing her not responding.

Ashika broke into tears while rocking a crying Abheer in her arms who is snuggling into her chest. 

“Abhi, take her to hospital…” As soon she said, Abhi came to his senses and nodded before taking Aaravi in his arms and ran out of the room in urgency. 

Ashika looked down at Abheer with worry and rushed out.

“Please, be okay, Meri Jaan. Nothing will happen to you,” Abhimanyu kept murmuring as he was walking through the hallway.

Staring at the door in front of him, Abhi let his tears flow before closing his eyes tightly. He opened his eyes and looked up, feeling a hand on his shoulder to see his father looking at him. 

Arjun rubs his shoulder blinking his eyes silently telling him everything will be okay.

“She will be okay, Abhi…” Ashika said with a hopeful tone caressing his head, sitting beside him while Arjun is standing near them.

Abhi couldn't think of anything other than Aaravi. He wanted to believe his mother but his heart was feeling heavy with unknown fear.

After seeing Abhimanyu running down the stairs with Aaravi in his arms the whole Agnihotri family panicked and worried.

Arjun immediately rushed to get the car out to leave for the hospital. Ashika also comes with them leaving Abheer with Priya and Jaiveer at home. Baby Abheer calmed down after tiring himself with all the crying and slept after Priya fed him his formula milk. 

Ishaan comes out of the room while discussing with other doctors. He turned to Abhimanyu after the doctor left, nodding at him.

He sighs deeply, looking a bit nervous.

“Dr Ishaan…how is she? She is alright na?” Abhimanyu asked, looking hopeful, making Ashika and Arjun feel bad for their children.

“Abhimanyu, can we talk in my cabin?” he said, then glanced at Arjun and Ashika for a minute.

“It's time, Abhimanyu. We have to prepare for her surgery soon. We shouldn't delay anymore,” Abhimanyu listened to him with a blank face but only he knows how he is dying from inside. 

He clenched his fist under the table and sighed before saying,

“Just make my wife alright. Do whatever you feel is necessary but I want my Aaravi all well,” he said in a desperate voice making Ashika tear up.

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