𝟎𝟎𝟔. down by the lakes

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chapter six
down by the lakes

The past week was the opposite of what Avery expected it to be. She expected to be fighting for her survival and have a growling stomach.

Coriolanus Snow has been bringing her money and food every day. He had gained the liking of her sisters as well. Gretchen kept asking if the "handsome Peacekeeper" is going to come again.

This was better than life was before. She felt less hungry than she did before Coriolanus helped her.

Avery walked through the meadow joyously until she saw another figure sitting on the rock she usually sat at.

And then she heard an angelic voice.

"Are you, are you comin' to the tree?
Where they strung up a man, they say, who murdered three
Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be
If we met at midnight in the hanging tree."

Avery could tell it was Lucy Gray just based off the extent of her amazing singing. And now she could see the curls going down her back. She held her guitar.

She had never heard this song before, so she assumed that Lucy Gray wrote it. Avery had a good idea of what it was about. Arlo Chance was recently executed there...

Lucy Gray turned around a bit in shock when she saw Avery walking towards her. The two girls had never directly crossed paths before.

"You really have such a beautiful voice," Avery complimented.

Avery spotted the other members of the Covey laughing in the distance. They all seemed like such joyful people.

"Avery Spade, right?" Avery adored the strength of her accent as she spoke.

"Mhm, I've been listening to your music since forever, Lucy Gray."

"Did you come here to talk to me about the Hunger Games?"

"No, I usually come here myself, although your performance in the games was pretty impressive."

Lucy Gray smiled, and Avery could tell that they were going to get along great. Lucy Gray is sweet and caring, which is something Avery can relate to.

"Me and the Covey are going to head down to the lake, do you want to come with us?"

Avery felt welcomed by the offer. She had nothing better to do. "Sure."

She suddenly felt a cold hand on her shoulder and she looked up to see Coriolanus Snow standing beside her. When did he get here? She was a bit startled, but also very happy to see him.

Lucy Gray's eyes widened when she looked at her mentor for the first time since the games. "Hey, Coriolanus..."

"Hello, Lucy Gray. And hello, Av."

Coriolanus smirked a little when he looked at her. Avery loved the way he looked at her, it made her feel important. She was the only person standing in that field as far as he was concerned.

Lucy Gray could sense the tension between them. Anyone could tell just by looking at their eyes. "Lucy Gray just invited me to go down to the lakes with her and the Covey."

Coriolanus stepped forward, his body still brushing against Avery's. "I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I tag along?"

Lucy Gray gave him a generous smile. "Yeah, I don't mind, mentor," she joked.

The group began to walk through the woods in order to get to the lake. Coriolanus and Avery lingered behind the rest of the group.

Coriolanus clearly was not used to the outdoors. He swatted at every insect that came close to him and looked at the woods almost in disgust.

"I'm guessing you're not a nature guy, Coryo?" Avery asked with a laugh.

Coriolanus shoved into her gently and playfully. They were looking at each other and laughing, not paying attention at all.

Avery didn't see the rock in the middle of the path and began to stumble backwards. Coriolanus sped behind her and caught her in his arms.

She slowly looked up into his blue eyes and they just stared at each other. It wasn't an awkward stare- it was an intense stare. Maybe Avery was being dramatic, but they were close enough to kissing that she felt her heartbeat increase.

"You two alright back there?" Lucy Gray asked, causing the two of them to snap out of their trances.

Avery got back to her feet and smiled. "Yeah! I just fell!"

They finally arrived at the lake. Lucy Gray and the Covey were already in the water. Avery threw her dress to the side, revealing her swimsuit. She was on the dock, her back facing the lake. Coriolanus was in front of her, and his eyes widened as they traveled down her body for a few brief seconds.

Then he ripped off his shirt as he began to walk forward. Avery was... mesmerized. She had underestimated Coriolanus's charm and beauty.

He wore a knowing smirk. Suddenly, Coriolanus ran towards her and pushed her into the water. She fell backwards with a giggle and a splash from him followed.

Avery was pushed underwater, but when she came back up Coriolanus was there in front of her. In hopes to surprise him, she wrapped her arms around him from behind with a big smile on her face.

Coriolanus's cheeks heated up, but Avery couldn't see that.

After swimming for a while, there was a fairly sized blanket laid out onto the grass. The two decided to share it and bathe in the rays of the Sun.

Coriolanus sat down, but he became more relaxed when he laid back a bit and propped himself up with one of his elbows.

Avery looked at him and made a risky move. She laid her head against his chest and fell onto the blanket.

He didn't move, but he began to speak. "I've grown very fond of you, Avery."

Avery looked up to see him peering down at her. "You too, Coryo. You're good company."

"Do you trust me?" he suddenly asked.

Strange enough, Avery began to trust Coriolanus just a day after they met. He didn't seem like he could do much wrong (besides killing the person in the arena).

"I do. Do you trust me?"

He nodded. "I do. I don't believe that you would ever betray me."

Avery wouldn't dream of betraying Coriolanus, at least not yet. "Trust is everything to me. So, I'm glad we trust each other," she agreed.

Coriolanus Snow's hand intertwined with hers and she felt all warm and giddy inside. What was her life like before him?

He has completely changed Avery's view of Capitol people. Yes, she considers most of them still monsters, but Coriolanus has made her realize that there is still good within people.

She was upset when it was finally time to leave the lakes. Avery wanted to bask in the sunlight with Coriolanus forever.

thinking of writing a finnick fic next 😍

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