𝟎𝟎𝟕. sejanus's traitory

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chapter seven
sejanus's traitory

The peacekeepers were tasked with helping scientists from Doctor Gaul (the head gamemaker and instructor at the university) capture jabberjays and mockingjays for study.

Jabberjays repeat everything they hear, and the mutation of them, mockingjays, are similar but they can create and sing melodies.

Coriolanus wasn't very fond of the mockingjays. They are unnatural mutations and uncontrollable in his eyes. Jabberjays are much easier to control.

These traits fit Coriolanus rather well. He liked to be in control and have the most power in the room.

Coriolanus and Sejanus were caging the final jabberjays to send them off to the Capitol. Everything was fine until Sejanus started speaking of helping rebels again, which sent Coriolanus into an internal rage.

"Some of the rebels are leaving District 12 for good and they're heading North to start a new life away from Panem. They said if I help them with Lil, I can go too."

Sejanus continued to explain his plan as anger and betrayal fumed within Coriolanus. He was sympathizing with rebels of the Districts.

He went on and on, how long until he realizes that Coriolanus thought of him as a traitor?

"I'll try to figure out some way to let Ma know what happened to me. And my father, I suppose. Let him know the Plinth name lives on, if only in obscurity."

Coriolanus pressed the button to record Sejanus on the control for the jabberjay. It captured Sejanus's every word as he spoke; his every word that showed his plan of rebellion.

When Sejanus finished sharing his plan, Coriolanus finished recording. He let Sejanus walk away from him.

Coriolanus stared at the jabberjay that held the recording of their conversation, which included every last traitorous word that Sejanus spoke.

If he sent this to Doctor Gaul, Sejanus could be killed. But Sejanus had his father and he had his father's money. Strabo Plinth would likely buy Sejanus's way out of this.

Coriolanus decided on leaving the jabberjay there to be sent to the Capitol.

Later that night, he wasn't sure if he was regretting his decision while resting on his bunk. Sejanus was peacefully asleep while regret invaded Coriolanus's mind.

He did his best to reassure himself that everything would be fine. Sejanus couldn't be in that much trouble... it was likely that the scientists, let alone Doctor Gaul, would even listen to the recordings left on the jabberjays.

Sejanus deserved to be kicked out of the peacekeepers, and honestly he deserved to be punished for his rebellion. But his betrayal wouldn't result in death... probably.

Coriolanus's other thoughts were about Avery. Avery adored Sejanus, he could see it in her eyes. And he hated it.

Coriolanus's fondness of Avery has began to grow into something else. A... romantic liking. He didn't want to call it that, but maybe it was an obsession. In his eyes, it was love.

She has made the past month or so as a peacekeeper much more enjoyable than it should of been. Avery is sweet and she is undeniably beautiful.

It felt messed up to think, but Coriolanus liked the control he had over her. The way she would stop everything she was doing to listen to him... and the way she sometimes felt intimidated by his power as a peacekeeper.

Coriolanus wasn't completely sure of his thoughts towards her, but he wanted her to be his.

He planned to meet her at the Hob to watch another Covey performance. While he enjoyed Lucy Gray's singing, he knew he only wanted to go to see her.

Avery gave him something to look forward to every day. Coriolanus missed his family back at the Capitol, and work as a peacekeeper was often dreadful. Visiting Avery was something new and exciting.

Avery Spade was resting on her bed, but she was also wide awake, thinking of Coriolanus Snow. She was honestly excited to see him again tomorrow. Their time at the lakes together was wonderful.

She also enjoyed the new friendship she had with Lucy Gray. Avery had gotten to know the victor of the 10th Hunger Games in a way she never knew her before.

The most exciting part of tomorrow's Covey performance was Coriolanus, but it was also exciting to see Lucy Gray perform especially after they bonded.

She was going to genuinely try and pay more attention to her singing this time. Before she was always distracted by someone- that being Jessie, Coriolanus, or Sejanus.

Avery was extremely grateful for the money and food that Coriolanus brought her (she had no idea that it was really all from Sejanus, though Coryo took credit for it).

Avery felt as if he couldn't deny it anymore; she had some feelings for Coriolanus. She knew because she felt her heart rate rising whenever she was near him, and she felt so much for him that her feelings had to be more than friendly.

That's likely why he refused to get out of her head. On sleepless nights like these, Coriolanus was the first thought that kept her awake.

Avery shot up when the door to her room was opened. Gretchen peeked in, surprised to see that her sister was still awake.

"What's wrong, Gretch?" Avery asked in a soft voice.

"I can't sleep."

Avery laughed. "Me neither. Do you want to lay with me?"

Her little sister nodded and climbed into bed with her. There was comforting silence between the two of them.

Just each other's presences made them both fall asleep. Sibling bonds are strong, especially when the parents of the family are absent.

Avery was grateful that her life in the districts was taking a turn for the better. She often thought about Otto and the scars on his body as it was being dragged away. Would he be happy that they were fine without him, or would he be upset that all of the work he did for them was worth nothing? He was replaced by Coriolanus's gifts easily and she felt horrible about it.

Money seemed to come easy to Coryo, when Otto fought to make enough to care for himself and Avery's family.

Avery's head full of haunted thoughts went to peace as she drifted into sleep.

showing some of coryo's insight this chapter!

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