𝟎𝟐𝟐. stolen victory

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chapter twenty two
stolen victory

Avery was having a breakdown on the velvet couch. Tigris tried her best to calm Avery down in a sweet and caring voice, but nothing seemed to be working.

Coriolanus was watching from the sidelines, admiring how she kept her beauty even while crying. The tears fell down her perfect face and she looked weak and adorable.

He knew she was upset, but soon she'll be all his. He hated to see her in pain, but if all of that pain leads her to a happy ending, it's worth it.

Everyone she cares about in 12 is gone except for Gretchen Spade. If Gretchen is taken care of, she'll have no reason to want to return to the Districts anymore. And then she'll truly be his.

Would Avery hate him if she knew he was the reason for the death of her loved ones? Coriolanus guesses that she would, but she never has to know.

Tigris told Avery that she had to leave to run some errands, which left Avery and Coriolanus alone in the Snow penthouse.

"Rose," he whispered.

"Yes, Coryo?"

"I don't want to make things worse, but the Peacekeepers of District 12 have informed me of something. I won't tell you if you don't want to hear it."

Avery moved closer to him and held back any further tears. "Just tell me."

"Gretchen was killed. After your sister died, she tried to rebel and one of the Peacekeepers shot her. Don't worry, love, I had Gaul order for his execution."

He watched all life drain from Avery's face. It's like he could see the pieces of her heart shatter until there was only one left. One part of her heart that beats for him.

"Coryo, this isn't real, is it?"

Coriolanus pressed his lips onto her forehead gently. "I'm afraid it is, sweetheart."

She was falling apart in his cruel and bloody hands. Coriolanus is already responsible for so many deaths, and it's just the beginning.

Avery didn't know what to do. She has no reason to go back to the Districts, because there is no one there for her. Coriolanus thought the same, and he tried to hide his sick happiness that she doesn't want to leave the Capitol anymore.

"Do you want to get some rest? I promise it will all get better, Avery."

She weakly nodded as Coriolanus carried her to their bed. She felt lightheaded and unaware of her surroundings anymore. Avery's eyes were sealed shut with tears.

The next morning, she was forced to go back to the large room she watched her sister die in. People slowly began to forgive her for her outburst, and now they were apologizing for the loss of her sister.

"She's just emotional since her sister died in the games, that's all," Coriolanus had told everyone.

Flickerman's voice was booming through the speakers again, and Avery just groaned at the sound of it. She's grown to despise bystanders like him.

"I think we have a victor!"

Avery began to pay attention. Who is the person who took Gwynn's place as a victor? If those snakes didn't come into the games, Avery knew that Gwynn would have won. Gaul wanted to get rid of her sister, and that's clear. It's like everyone is trying to get rid of her District roots.

The screen now showed a girl just a few years younger than her. She had these beautiful light colored curls and doll face. She was beautiful, but she looked exhausted.

The girl was climbing out of a large body of water and Avery immediately assumed she was from District 4. Almost every citizen from there has experience with water and swimming.

"Mags Flanagan from District 4 is the victor of the 11th Annual Hunger Games!"

Cheers erupted in the audience, but Avery didn't celebrate at all. Mags looked innocent and sweet, but Avery couldn't help but despise her.

That could have been Gwynn. Gwynn Spade from District 12 is the victor of the 11th Annual Hunger Games! Avery imagined hearing that and cheering. And then she imagined seeing her sisters again and embracing them. Maybe they would have moved into the Capitol with her and Coriolanus. Both Gwynn and Gretchen are dead, so that dream isn't possible anymore.

Avery sighed. Coriolanus looked proud, and it made her uncomfortable. "I designed something special for these games. Mags will have a Victory Tour in six months," he told her.

She saw the regret in his face as soon as he spoke. Coriolanus knew this was a sensitive topic and he didn't realize how much it would trigger Avery.

"What a great way to rub the tributes' deaths in everyone's faces," Avery remarked.

Coriolanus frowned, taking Avery's hand in his. "My rose, you know I didn't mean it like that-"

Avery wasn't surprised anymore. Coriolanus is Capitol-born and he's working for the psychotic Game Maker, Doctor Gaul. She can't expect him to be sympathetic or kind like he was in District 12.

He's changed, and she has to accept that. Avery just wished she could erase that day in 12. The day Coriolanus killed someone for the second time and they were forced to run away. That was the day everything began to go downhill.

"It's fine, Coryo."

Avery fidgeted with the rose pendant resting on her neck. Lucy Gray's sweet voice rang in her ear as she remembered the night she met both Coriolanus and Sejanus.

She hates change. If she could stay in one moment for the rest of her life, she would stay in that moment. Everyone would be alive and well, and her love for Coriolanus would be as pure as the driven snow. Coriolanus wouldn't have any blood on his hands aside from Bobbin in the arena.

Avery closed her eyes and pretended she was in the past for just a minute. She is in the Capitol now, and she is the lover of Coriolanus Snow. Her future lies here. This is what the rest of her life looks like. The Hunger Games would continue every year and she would be forced to watch and participate in their celebration.

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