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"Diya! How dare you?"

The cry erupted from deep within the castle's heart in the Second Prince's room. Many of the new servants flinched and fretted about the wild temper of their master, but their more experienced colleagues merely shook their heads with a beleaguered sigh.

The Crown Prince pinched the bridge of his nose. "What have you done now?"

His bodyguard had a relaxed posture, as if the volley of curses that followed were part of her favourite melody. "It seems our esteemed Second Prince did not like the gift I sent him."

"Another Magical Beast, Dee? Come on, you guys have been living with each other for four months now! Can't you try to get along?"

Diya shot him a withering glare. "I did try, Crown Prince. But he declared war with the stunt he pulled at my graduation last month."

"I am quite sure he didn't mean to do it."

"He tripped me up with his magic while I was going on stage."

"No harm done!"

Diya scowled and closed her book. "I panicked, thinking I was being attacked, and threw out shadows that nearly speared the guest speaker."

"You have no proof it was him!" Sebastian exclaimed, knowing very well that it was a lie.

"I have my intuition and it is enough." Diya stood and adjusted her uniform to relieve it of its wrinkles. "I meant to ask, may I have the day's leave to visit my family?"

"I thought you already went last month, after the trial?" Sebastian asked, raising a brow.

Crap, I thought he'd forgotten about that. Diya's smile remained poised as her mind whirred to think of an effective lie. "Yes, but my extended family are in the Capital today and I was asked to show them around."

He leaned back in his chair and pushed away a mop of hair from his forehead. It had been a while since he'd had a haircut, and now his blue hair nearly covered his eyes. "Who will protect me while you are gone?"

"The recruits will be finishing their training. I believe Tanner is the most suited, Your Highness." Diya's lips twitched up in a sneer that she hid.

She still went to the mandatory training, but detested every second of it. Unable to show her true skills, she was subjected to hours of repeated drills and false manoeuvres that caused the other recruits to mock and pity her. Diya wished she could wipe the smug look from their faces, but had the terrible suspicion that General Carnell was watching her every move.

Diya had a slight spring in her step as she walked across the deep red carpet, humming a tune in her head. She nodded to the more friendly servants, who seemed to have come to the conclusion that she would not curse them, and waved to Siriana as she passed the kitchens.

Her good mood soured like curdled milk when she reached the gardens and saw a very pissed off Second Prince.

"Pleasant day, Your Highness?" Diya forced her lips to stretch across her face in a smile.

"You," Caspian seethed, his hair splayed in random angles like he'd stuck a comb in it and had forgotten it was there. He was still in his pale blue night tunic and clutched a book to his chest like it was his lifeline. "How did you know?"

"Ah, I see you got my gift then." Diya bowed but was careful to keep her head raised. "I hope it conveyed the gravity of my affections for you, and how deeply I cared about your wellbeing."

"You put–" his voice dropped to a furious whisper as he stepped closer. "–a Neithe in my bed! How did you know I have a phobia?"

"Why, I would never!" Diya gasped in horror at the same time, but then paused and her eyes twinkled with mirth. "Wait, you have a phobia of Neithes?"

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