Chapter 7: A Date

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The next day, two customers were playing chess at a table when a drop of water fell down into their game.

"Your ceiling is leaking again." One of them told Bernie.

"More water?"

Coal stepped forward and climbed on the table, closing the pipe with his heat. "Don't worry. This problem is going away. I can feel it." He glanced at the clock and saw that it said 3:00 and stepped down from the table. "And since we're all good here, I am also going away to do deliveries."

He shuffled past his dad and his mom, who paused and started sniffing the air.

"Do I smell something on Coal?" She asked herself.


(Y/n) stood just outside the Alkali theater anxiously looking around to see if Coal would show up.

She looked across the street and saw him standing there in a blue hoodie with the hood pulled over his head.

He glanced up and saw her waiting for him, standing up on her toes, waving enthusiastically.

🎵Started out on a one-way train.🎵

Coal grimaced slightly and came over to her. She gestured to the theater, letting him go first and he smiled at her. She quickly followed him inside, neither of them noticing Wade hiding by a pole, holding a camera. He snapped a shot of them going into the theater together and tried (and failed) to not cry at his little sister going on her first date.

🎵Always knew where I was gonna go next.🎵

Coal and (Y/n) sat in the theater together waiting for the movie to start. The lights started to dim but Coal was still causing light in the theater, making the other elements look over at him. Coal noticed their stares and pulled his hoodie tighter around him to dim his flames.

🎵Didn't know until I saw your face I was missing out on every moment.🎵


After the movie, Coal and (Y/n) were walking along the street when (Y/n) spotted a Photo Booth.

🎵You'll be one and baby I'll be two.🎵

She gestured for them to try it, and they stepped inside, taking a couple of pictures.

🎵Would you mind if I said I'm into you?🎵

When they got them back, all the pictures showed a big ball of light and their eyes.

🎵So if it's real, then darling let me know.🎵


The next thing they did was enter an elevator, and got crammed in with a bunch of other elements.

🎵I wouldn't mind, if you steal the show🎵

(Y/n) and Coal awkwardly stood next to each other, a little closer than they thought. They both shared a glance and awkwardly looked away.

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