Chapter 11: Big News

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(Y/n) and Coal exited the house and Mrs. Ripple followed them, standing in the doorway and holding the new pitcher Coal had made.

"Thank you Mrs. Ripple. This was...this was really great." Coal told her.

She nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it was. And I mean what I said about your talent. I have a friend who runs the best glassmaking firm in the world. During dinner, I slipped out and made a call and I told her about you. They're looking for an intern. It could be an amazing opportunity."

Coal's eyes widened. "For real?"

"It's a long way from the city but it would be an incredible start. You have a bright future." She held up the pitcher. "Look at me. I have an original Coal."

Coal chuckled nervously and turned to walk out of the building.

"Hold up. I'll walk you out." (Y/n) offered.


At the entrance to the building, Cinder was still fighting with the doorman, and they were both wiped out.

"I'm're still going to have to wait out'am." The doorman wheezed.

"And I'm afraid...I will throw up..."

Cinder turned and wobbled away from the building to go rest.


(Y/n) and Coal exited a few seconds later, with Coal practically running to his bike.

"Hey, Coal. Hold up! What's going on?" She asked.

"I can't believe she basically offered me a job." Coal said in disbelief.

(Y/n) nodded in excitement. "I know! It could be cool."

"Yeah, super cool, (Y/n)." Coal exclaimed sarcastically. "I could move out and make glass in a faraway city. Do whatever I want."

(Y/n) furrowed her brows. "I don't understand."

Coal shook his head and started up the bike. "I'm going home."

"Well then I'm going with you." (Y/n) declared, hopping onto the back of the bike.

Coal groaned and sped off, passing by his mother who stared after them in shock.

"A Water Girl?" She whispered.


Coal drove his bike over a large bridge, swerving past all the other vehicles around him.

"Look, I'm sorry if my mom upset you...woah!...she was just trying to be helpful. She doesn't know how excited you are about running the shop."

Coal grunted and his fire flared up, glowing slightly purple.

"What is the matter?!"


"Yeah? Cause we're going like, a thousand...bus!" (Y/n) shouted.

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