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this chapter is dedicated to fluerlis 🫶🏼! shes a gem and y'all should check her stories out, her writing is amazing 🙏🏼

this chapter is dedicated to fluerlis 🫶🏼! shes a gem and y'all should check her stories out, her writing is amazing 🙏🏼

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"DID THEY EVEN TRY to pick a sunny day?" Jessica asks, looking up at the grey, cloud filled sky.

Dorothea looks up with her while she chews on a twizzler. The clouds are thick, grey and leak rain. She grimaces at them. "Probably not."

"They lack thinking skills." Jessica says, sighing and shaking her head.

"Hey!" Eric shouts offendedly, attempting to zip up his wet suit. "I can hear you!"

Jessica looks at him, she hadn't realized that Eric was still near the van. She shrugs anyways. "Well, so?"

Eric stomps away after glaring at Jessica. When hes completely gone, Angela speaks up.

"How would you guys feel if I asked Eric to the dance?" She asks, slightly adjusting her crooked glasses.

"Fine, because I already asked Mike." Jessica admits.

Dorothea frowns at them. "But I thought we were going as a group? You know, us three?" She reminds them a bit somberly.

"I know, we totally were, but it's Mike, Dor. I've wanted this for months." Jessica says. "But I don't have to go with him. I'll let Sarah Evans ask him or something." Her voice is full of self pity now.

Dorothea shakes her head with a relenting sigh. "No, you guys go with the boys." she says, softly smiling at Angela and Jessica now, "Its fine." Even though Dorothea is upset about Jessica abandoning their plans, she won't stop one of her best friends from being happy, and going to the dance with Mike will surely make her happy.

Jessica smiles widely. "Thanks so much. You're such a good friend."

Dorothea smiles again at her and then turns to Bella, who is content and silent as she watches the dark waves crash against the rocks, but she looks away from the water when she sees Dorothea looking at her.

"So, Bells, are you still planning on driving down to Seattle? Because you could be my date to the dance." She suggests, smiling teasingly at Bella.

Over the last two weeks since her accident, Bella and Dorothea have grown even closer and know each other well now, each finding the other one good company to be around.

Bella chuckles. "That'd be great, but yeah, I'm still going to Seattle."

Dorothea sighs in fake, dramatic somberness. "I guess I can stay home and watch Netflix all day."

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇, 𝐩𝐚𝐮𝐥 𝐥𝐚𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐞.Where stories live. Discover now