Chapter 24

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There was something off about that Colonel Dobey. Dick had been watching him since he'd walked into HQ with Nix, and though he couldn't put his finger on what the issue was, he'd taken an immediate dislike to the man. There was just...something about him that put Dick on edge. It didn't take too long for Dobey to prove his suspicions correct.

"So chaps," he started once they were in the jeep back to batallion, "I'm to have Easy Company along on this excursion? "

"Yes," Nix replied, placing a hand on Moose's shoulder, "Easy are one of the finest outfits in all the army, ain't that right Dick?"

"Sure are," he smiled, a little bubble of pride forming in his chest at the thought of Easy. He may not be their CO anymore but they would always be his company, and he'd always be happy to sing their praises.

"Aren't they the company with the lady Lieutenant?" Dobey continued, a curious glint in his eye that put Dick's nerves on edge. Surely he wasn't going to make an issue of a female Lieutenant after he had asked for their help on his rescue operation?

"Yes," Dick replied, a sharp edge to his voice, "Lieutenant Landry has been with Easy from the beginning and she's a model officer."

"Oh I'm sure she's quite the model officer alright," Dobey smirked as the jeep pulled to a stop,"I shall look forward to working closely with her then. Who knows, perhaps we'll become rather friendly after all this. Now how about we source a spot of tea and run through the intelligence for this operation Nixon?"

"Eh...sure," Nix agreed after a moment's hesitation, his gaze lingering on Dick as he waited to see if he'd respond, "Moose and I will go through it with you in my office. Dick here has a mountain of paperwork to do so he gets a free pass." Nix spared a final glance at Dick before leading the British Colonel away, Moose falling into step beside them.

Dick remained silent throughout this exchange, his temper continuing to rise in response to the Colonel's flippant comment. Clearly Dobey had a few ideas about Valerie and how he could...befriend her, but Dick would be damned if he'd let him have the chance.

"Moose, can I have a quick word," he called at the retreating party as he finally climbed from the jeep. Nix glanced back at him with a raised eyebrow but continued on his way without comment. Dick knew he'd ask Moose about it as soon as he had a free moment.

"What can I do for you Dick?" Moose asked, straight to the point. Dick appreciated that about him, that and his all-in style of leadership. Dick had often seen him out on patrols and doing nightly checks on the outposts since he'd taken over Easy, and it eased his worries somewhat to know that they were in good hands now.

"Keep Lieutenant Landry out of this operation yeah?" Dick instructed. Moose's brows rose in momentary surprise before furrowing in confusion.

"But Lieutenant Landry would be -"

"I know she would," Dick agreed with a sigh, "but she can sit this one out alright? There'll be other operations."

"Yes sir," Moose conceded after a terse moment. He looked like he wanted to question the order but ultimately thought better of it and followed after Nix and Dobey.

Dick watched him go with mixed emotions. Knowing Valerie she'd be the first to volunteer for the operation, and she'd have no fear in questioning why she wasn't permitted to go. Moose would of course tell her the reason, and he fully expected her to be banging his door down by the end of the day to give him an earful about it. He stood by his decision though. Dobey clearly had plenty of ulterior motives when it came to Valerie, and Dick could not in good conscience let her walk into something like that. He'd happily take a hundred of her angry tirades if it meant she was safe from Dobey's wandering hands.

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