Chapter Four: Friend-Zone And Bad Security

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The two teens left the house before giving Granny a kiss goodbye, Tyler in the driver's seat with Y/n in the passenger side, setting up the TomTom.

Y/n grabbed a CD and slid it into the player, ready to blast MCR to annoy Tyler since he doesn't like her "emo music".

"So... how long is the drive to the factory?" Y/n asked him as he typed in the destination. "Only about an hour," he answered as he put the stick shift into reverse to get out of the driveway.

"Thought it'd be longer." Y/n spoke as they looked out the window, watching the homes zip past them even though it was quite the opposite.

As they were on the highway Tyler looked at Y/n for a split second before looking back at the road in front.

"I'm sorry about earlier," he spoke getting Y/n's attention. "It isn't your fault, you were just having a hard time and needed the help." She smiled at him, making his heart flutter.

"Thanks..." he smiled to himself as TomTom directed them to the intersection before yelling at them for missing it.

How annoying.

The two listening to the (absolute fire) music, Y/n practically screaming the lyrics as Tyler was actually singing them.

After two hours, one stop at McDonald's, and one bathroom break... they arrived.

The factory was (obviously) run down, the colorful smoke stacks that were once bright and full of life were now dull, specifically the biggest one with the strips.

The walls were dirty and everything was... decrepit... Y/n and Tyler's childhood... gone away to rust.

Right when the two saw the rundown factory they had a mix of different emotions.

Tyler felt a mix of anxiety, sorrow, and confidence.

Y/n felt a mix of bitterness, sorrow, and horror.

Tyler was scared yet excited to figure this out yet Y/n wanted to leave the past behind them, hoping they would never come back here ever again.

Tyler parked the car and looked at Y/n, his auburn eyes staring into their e/c ones before speaking. "Thanks for coming with me." he smiled. "You're welcome, Tyler! I'd do anything for you! You're my best friend after all!"

Oh... best friend.

"T-thanks!" he may be disappointed but at least she's there for him.

"After this, I'll take you out to eat for your help." He smiled as her eyes lit up like the Fourth of July.   "McDonald's!" Y/n smiled as Tyler did the same. "Sure, McDonald's."

He unlocked the car and the two left, Y/n turned off the TomTom and Tyler unlocked the trunk so they could get the bag with their supplies.

Y/n grabbed the bag and slid it on before she grabbed Tyler's hand without saying a word, his face flushed as they walked to the factory doors.

They went inside, Huggy Wuggy was painted on the wall behind the front counter was chipping away, the floor had leaves from the outside spread about.

(I'm too lazy rn you remember what it looks like)

"Tyler, look." Y/n walked toward the front table picked up a green VHS tape and waved it around. "It's called Leith Pierre Closing, Wanna see what's on it?" She asked as he nodded.

Y/n skipped to the VHS player, being playful for some reason, and slid the tape in.

Leith Pierre:
"Hi, my name is Leith Pierre and I'm the head of innovation here at the Playtime Co. Toy Factory."

Leith Pierre:
"If you're seeing this, then you're trespassing. Yeah, we play this little tape on loop whenever we close the factory for the day. So trespasser, just to make you aware. While we pride ourselves primarily on our high-quality toys and excellent childcare, we also pride ourselves on our security."

Leith Pierre:
"For example, this facility is full of hidden motion triggers which, once set off, will turn on the factory's emergency alarms and directly contact the authorities! And that's one of the more tame aspects of our security system. No spoilers..."

Leith Pierre:
"So, you've got my warning. It's not too late to turn around. I just hope you're certain whatever you're doing is worth it."

"Paranoid much?" they said in unison, the two high-fiving while smiling. "So... what do we do?" they asked as he put his hand on his chin. "There's a gift shop, there might be something there." He nodded as the two walked into the gift shop, the sliding doors somehow still working.

There was a Boogie Bot on the counter that was next to the cash register that was covered in oil?

"Is that blood?"

"Let's not question that."

Y/n sighed as the two looked around, very few toys spread about the room as the toy train above them spun in circles.

Tyler left the room and walked down the hallway as Y/n looked at all the posters, finding enjoyment in them.

"Eat healthy! Like Bron!" She said aloud looking down at the small box in the bottom right corner. "Playtime Co cafeteria recommends a daily intake of 4,000 calories."

"What? I-uh, what? Heck yeah, 4,000 calories, I love that."

"Y/n look at this!" Tyler shouted as the teen jogged over to their best friend who was near another glass door with some sort of color pad.

"What kinda factory has a colored keypad for their security system?" Y/n asked as Tyler shrugged. "Dunno... what do you think the password is?"

Y/n looked at the keypad and typed in the colors green, pink, yellow, and red, and low and behold the door opened.

"How do you know the code?!" Tyler asked as Y/n shrugged. "The train that was spinning around in circles had those colors."

"This security system is trash."

Poppy Playtime x Reader (rewritten version) Where stories live. Discover now