Chapter Fourteen: Getting Played Like A Kazoo (edited)

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Running from the toy Y/n loved most was a living nightmare.

Mommy's distorted laughter and groaning as she chased the teen was scary enough but it felt worse than when Huggy was chasing them throughout the vents.

But Y/n's doing this for Poppy, for Tyler, for Charlie.

And if Y/n is gonna save them, they need to deal with Mommy first.

Y/n got to a stopping point that allowed them to rest for a moment, only for a moment but anything to take a small break.

Getting up and running again once she heard Mommy's insane laugh again, running down a hall that led her back into the factory, going down a long hall.

Y/n was simply walking down it before Mommy came charging at them, Y/n ran faster than before to reach the end to use her Grabpack to open the door.

"Come on!" She said as the scanner was slow, the door finally opening halfway letting Y/n crawl under before hiding in a corner, looking at the grinder as tears were falling from her face.

Mommy ran into the room and got her rubber hand stuck in the grinder trying to escape it as Y/n realized something.

Mommy needed to die.

Y/n used the Grabpack and pulled a lever, the grinder starting up and pulling Mommy in quickly.

An agonizing scream filled the room, and Y/n immediately started apologizing over and over again sobbing as they watched their mother die.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" They cried as Mommy screamed out in pain. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! HE'LL MAKE ME PART OF HIM!" She cried as Y/n did the only thing they could do.

She heard the screams of agony as Mommy got pulled into the grinder before she flipped the lever and stopped the grinder from continuing to kill Mommy Long Legs.

Y/n rushed to Mommy's side and helped pull her hand out of it, it being surprisingly easy.

Mommy backed away from Y/n who was simply smiling nervously. "Sorry I... almost killed you... I didn't want to." She apologized to the living toy.

"I'm sorry, Y/n." She also apologized. "I went a little... crazy." She spoke as Y/n shook her head. "Don't worry about it, I've seen worse."

"Mommy is sorry... I'll let Miss Poppy go and you can have the last of the train code." She patted Y/n's head.

"What about Tyler and Charlie?" Y/n tilted her head.

"Those two? They should be near the exit of this factory, just take the train and and don't change the route and you should be able to find them."

"Now, Miss Poppy is up ahead in the control room, just keep going forward."

The gate behind her opened Y/n looking into the darkness.

Y/n ran over to Mommy and hugged her, Mommy hugging back.

"I'll miss you, Mom." She sniffed as they pulled away. "I'll miss you too, Y/n... take care now and leave this place as soon as you get you're friends, trust Mommy."

The two parted ways, Mommy going back the way she came and Y/n landed herself in Bay 09, seeing another VHS player with a VHS tape next to it.

She grabbed it and slid it in and waited for it to play.

"Log Code 08502. In relation: Experiment 1-0-0-6, 'The Prototype.'

A close call occurred this week, in which he nearly breached containment.

The Prototype seemingly disassembled the digital alarm clock within his room and utilized the battery along with several other components to create a laser pointer, which he then fired into the security camera, disabling it.

These actions allowed him 28.3 seconds completely unmonitored.

Once the function returned to the camera, the room appeared to be empty.

One surveillance specialist went in to confirm his absence.

However, upon opening the door, she realized that the Prototype had hidden in one of the camera's blind spots.

The Prototype attempted to escape through the open door; however, another surveillance specialist was able to remotely re-lock the door, despite the other specialist still being inside.

One casualty occurred.

The Prototype seems to possess an unprecedented level of intelligence beyond that of all other test subjects, as well as an alarming willingness to commit violence.

Further suppression treatments will need to be enacted to ensure that no other experiments develop these qualities.

Experiment 1-1-7-0, 'Huggy Wuggy,' remains the optimal outcome due to his sufficient intelligence paired with maximum obedience.

End of log."

"1-0-0-6? What?" Y/n mumbled as she left the room, finding themselves on the catwalks where the control room was.

Entering the room Poppy was stuck to the wall with webs on her, the last part of the train code behind her.

Y/n removed the webs and Poppy had a dead look on her face.

"Did you kill her?" Y/n nodded. "Good, I'll board the train, we need to leave." she walked off into the vent that led to the train, Y/n leaving as well and going down a slide.

Entering the train using the green hand Y/n entered the train code using all the papers Mommy gave her along with the paper from the control room.

Entering the code and shutting the doors the train began to move, Y/n sat on the floor and felt the train move along, hoping to find her friends as she closed their eyes, wondering where they might be before Poppy started to speak.

"You did it, against all odds. You defeated Mommy and you freed me once again. You are perfect. Too perfect to lose. I'm sorry. I cannot let you leave yet." the green arrow ahead changed Corse.

"You have so much potential. I know you came to find the ones who had disappeared all those years ago. But they're gone. They've been gone for a long time. Terrible things have happened, and I am the cause, being able to exist as a doll, it has killed so many people, so much is so unknown to you. Where do I even begin? But you can fix everything. I see it inside you. This train is now heading towards Playcare. It's the best place to start looking."

The train started speeding, Poppy let out a gasp in panic as she tried to stop it.

A bar started glowing that simply said "break" which Y/n used to stop everything, the train crashed and landed on its side, Y/n hitting their head and passing out before seeing a sign that said Playcare.



Poppy's speech is the unused one because I thought it would fit well with this book.

sorry this one is rushed I have only so much data that I can use until tomorrow when my Wi-Fi will be back.

Poppy Playtime x Reader (rewritten version) Where stories live. Discover now