Chapter Twenty: Explanation

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Twenty minutes later Michael came back with the medical supplies and a blanket.

Michel saw the elevator descend from the sky, only Kissy was on the platform and Poppy stayed by Y/n's side, patting her head and saying words of reassurance.

Michael quickly bordered the elevator and his heart sank, his daughter, his baby lay before him, breathing heavily, trying to get some air in her lungs.

"Oh baby don't do this to me," he said kneeling next to her, the girl giving him a weak smile as she tried to talk. "Y... you're... b... back." she smiles weakly, her body slowly giving in to her injuries.

"I am." he smiled softly as he lifted her shirt to see the injury, the wound being deeper than he remembered. "Okay, I'm gonna pour something on your injury, it's gonna sting really badly but you'll be okay," he said flipping open the cap and pouring some on the wound, causing Y/n to scream in pain.

He quickly covered her mouth to keep her quiet, the girl full-on sobbing now. "I know it hurts, I know baby," he said as Poppy had her tiny hands on Y/n's head, gently rubbing her hair as a comfort thing.

"Poppy, I need you to keep doing what you're doing, Kissy can you put your hand out for her to hold?" Kissy did as she was told and put her hand near
Y/n's, the girl immediately grabs it while trying not to cry anymore.

"Okay, I'm about to give you some stitches, I know it's stressful but you can do it." he kissed her head and grabbed what he needed, threading the needle.

(I have a massive fear of needles this is so hard to write on god so ima skip this and get to the rest.)

Y/n passed out from the pain, her head lying on her backpack with a blanket from her old room from Home-Sweet-Home, her father carefully watching her breathing.

"Michael, we gotta get her somewhere safe so CatNap won't find her," Poppy said putting her tiny hand on his.

"CatNap won't hurt her, he's been keeping her alive for a reason."

"What's the reason?"

"CatNap was a little boy named Theo, Y/n's best friend, after his transformation CatNap stuck to Y/n like glue, watching out for her, making sure she... making sure she didn't become like him." he sighed feeling guilt rush over him.

"Did... did something happen?"

Michael carried little Y/n to bed, putting her down gently before he tucked her in. "I love you, Y/n." he smiled kissing her head. "I... I love... you... t...too." she spoke slowly, her illness getting the best of her.

Michael smiled at her, his smile fading when he closed the door, coming eye-to-eye with his co-workers.

"She's getting worse." one of them spoke, looking at Y/n through the glass. "It's finally getting to her." Michael looked down, full of guilt knowing there was nothing he could do.

"She's too young..." Micheal sighed, watching his foster daughter's life slowly draining. "I want to adopt her, she deserves to live the last months of her life feeling loved and wanted."

"Sorry Michael, you won't be able to do that."Leith Pierre spoke walking into the room, everyone turning to look at him.

"Mr. Afton, you don't have to worry, she'll live on as a CatNap doll."

"No..." he held his face with his hands. "What if you turn her into something like Poppy? Or you can get a brain transplant? That could help her! Right?" Michael was just saying anything, there is no cure for Fatal familial insomnia, it's a fatal disease.

"Fine, you can adopt her, let her last months be comfortable, but once she's dead her body belongs to science."

Michael almost fell to the ground, his heart racing hearing that, his little girl, his baby, his Y/n.

"CatNap's in the room." one of them spoke as they watched through the glass, the living toy sitting by the girl who was smiling and giggling.

"Cat... Nap... I missed... you." CatNap rested his head near hers, both of them relaxing in silence. "C... can I c... call you... Theo?" she asked as he put his head under her weak arm.

The next day Michael took her home and put her down gently on the couch, pulling a monkey blanket over her skinny body, the child losing more and more weight by the minute.

"Do you want your plushie?" he asked as she nodded, Michael handing Y/n her favorite CatNap toy.

"Do you wanna try and eat something?" he asked as the girl weakly said yes.

He kisses her head, heading to the kitchen to make her favorite soup, hoping she'll be able to keep it down this time.

He sat her up, the little girl whimpering in pain, her body being nothing but a shell.

He spooned up some of the soup and fed it to Y/n, the girl almost forgetting how to swallow.

After she had eaten half the soup she threw it back up, the girl apologizing over and over again, the man calming her down.

Three months had gone by, the child was barely able to lift her fingers, and she no longer could speak and she no longer could keep food down.

Michael still couldn't accept that she was about to die.

All he could do was comfort her as she passed on to the heavens, where his little brother was when he got an idea...

"Baby, we're gonna go to the factory, I know you wanna see CatNap again." She smiled weakly at the thought of seeing CatNap, her best friend.

Michael grabbed his car keys and picked up Y/n, ready to take her to the factory.

Twenty-five minutes later they arrived at the factory at 12:01 am.

12:13 Micheal laid Y/n down on a hospital bed.

12:15 Michael prepared her for surgery.

"So, she's like us?"

"I'm not proud of what I did but you have to understand, I couldn't handle losing any more of my family."

"I understand..."

"I couldn't see her suffer."

"What did you do when she woke up in a hospital bed?"

"I told her that she had drowned in that pond in Playcare and CatNap found and saved her... she forgot everything about her FFI... a week later the Hour Of Joy happened." he sighed. "Please don't tell Y/n about this, I need to tell her myself."

"I won't tell her, don't worry, it's gonna be hard to explain that she's part toy."

"I know."

Fnaf 🤝 Poppy Playtime

Just came back from a trip and I'm tired af rn

And I'm totally not working on a avatar last air bender fic

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