Chapter 1

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Fiddling with my claws, I waited for one of my brothers to come and collect me.

I sat with my legs crossed, tracing my golden and brown patterns with a claw as I waited in my grey room. It's temporary as my brothers say. And they're honest. They're some of the best and honourable hunters in the Clan! I'm proud to be their little brother.

My upper mandibles hooked up in a smile at the thought. Plus they also said that I'm going to a new place too. Somewhere, where I'll have new friends, and more room than the dusty metal room I have now.

Lifting my hand to run my fingers over my, still sensitive, shortened tresses, I wince softly, but admire the clean cuts. Only a few in the front on either side are longer and messy. Cut on angles. It hurt a lot, but I toughed it out!

Muffled voices came from the other side of the door in front of me, and I straightened up. Looking at the door, it wasn't long until my eldest brother opened the heavy door.
The door creaked and groaned, but it still opened.

My eldest brother stood in all of his armoured glory. Heavy with muscle, and covered in every inch with scars, he stood tall over me, his chest puffed out for intimidation.

I smiled up at him, and stood up after he signalled me to. Dusting off my rags, I followed him out of the room, and down the hall. The walls were brownish red, with symbols of our language etched into the metal. I didn't know what any of the words said though. My brothers had saved me from our Bearer, but they never taught me anything.

We eventually came to another room where my other brothers were waiting. They all were taller than me, but I didn't mind. I was the only one with gold patterns, and I think it's special. My brothers agree on it, and even call me special when we sleep together. They love me a lot, and I love them.

"Hey, little bro", one of my brothers purred, coming up to me and holding my waist. "How did you sleep? Not too bad?", he asked, licking my neck.

I smiled up at him. "It wasn't too bad. I miss my little bed-cot though", I answered him, before another brother came and licked my cheek. "Hey brother!", I greeted him with a hug. He purred, before pulling me from our brothers arms, and guided me to the door.

My eyes widened and I smiled excitedly. It's the door to the outside of the ship! Are we finally leaving the ship?!

I had a bounce in my step, and I couldn't stop smiling.

"Look! He's excited!", one of my other brothers laughed. There's five in total with me on the ship. And they all take turns in sleeping with me.

"As he should be! He's going to make lots of new friends!", my oldest brother cheered. He was the biggest. And the roughest in bed, but it doesn't bother me. He said it's just how much he loves me.

I looked back to the door, and cheered at the sight of the white hallway beyond. A new place! A new place!

My brothers led me down the new hall, where we eventually rounded the corner into a new room full of smart apes. Humans, I think my brother called them.

They wore white coats, with black sandals that covered all of their feet. They all had different coloured fur on top of the heads, and some wore an object over their eyes that was see-through.

"This him?", a gold-furred male asked, nodding at me. He smelled funky.

"Yep. Got the credits?", my eldest brother asked. The male human nodded, and held out a small tablet-like device to my brother. "Good doing business,", he then turned to look at me, while our other brothers started to leave. "These nice humans are going to be your new friends, little brother. Be good for them now", he smiled as I nodded excitedly. He ruffled my tresses, coaxing a purr from me, before he left after our other brothers.

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