Chapter 2

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Shadow says that it's been two weeks since I arrived. That's a long time. But he was surprised that the humans haven't touched me since I first got here. I'm as confused about it as he is. But he is relieved that I'm not hurt anymore.

"Are my tresses really not gonna grow anymore?", I asked him, reaching a hand back and touching my tresses.

"Your brothers must've burned them right after cutting them. They haven't grown, or at least haven't shown any signs of growing", he answered, resting his forehead against the window.

"That's not good?", I asked again.

He chuffed out a laugh and met my eyes. "I like the look. You remind me of Cleopatra", he said with a smile.


"She was the most beautiful Queen of Egypt. Wealthy and beautiful, and strong and smart. It looks good on you, Flix"

My face heated up again, and I shrunk back a little.

"Don't like my compliments?", he asked, tilting his head with a smirk.

"They make me feel funny, Shade", I told him, hiding a smile.

"Funny? Or nervous? Or maybe even a little sheepish? Shy perhaps?", my face kept heating up the more he spoke words I didn't know. Then I heard him laugh and I grumbled softly. "Lighten up, Flix. There's no need to feel nervous. I'm just stating a fact, tis all". I looked up and was met with his smirk-ish smile.

"Whatever...", I mumbled, looking around the window at all of the scratch marks and etchings. The human alphabet further away and the hydrologic cycle closest to me, with the three forms of precipitation in the clouds. The big words still confuse me, but Shadow says it's normal.

But it's all awesome! I'm learning stuff! And Shadow is teaching me to read! I looked up to the words scratched onto the window on Shadows side, and sounded them out under my breath: Shadow, Flix, stop, forward, walk, hello, goodbye.

Shadow says that if we were to ever get out of here, that he'll teach me to write as well. I can't wait for it.

"Want to learn more words?", he asked with a raised brow. I smiled and shook my head politely.

"No thanks. Maybe later". I stood up and sat on my cot. I watched him shrug, and move to lay on his own cot. "Will we ever get out?", I asked after a moment of silence.

I heard him sigh heavily.

"You have to trust me, Flix. It's the only way", he said. But I didn't know what it meant. Did he mean that he knows a way to get out, or that he'll just be taking the 'hits' in here?

"What do you mean, Shade?", I asked him. His feet were closest to me, so I couldn't see his face.

"It means what it says. Trust me".

I clicked my tusks, not pleased with his words. He lifted his arm over his face, and sighed again.

"So we are stuck here?", I tried a new line of questioning.


My eyes widened in shock. My chest started to ache, and tears started to brim my eyes.

"So I won't get to see it snow...or try noodles?", my voice was but a whisper. I had a whole 'to do' list after he spoke so highly of all of these human things to do. As he was a human, and had spoken of his experiences.

"Probably". He said it so casually.

"So you lied! You lied about getting out!", I stood up and pointed a finger at him. My voice cracked, and tears streamed down my cheeks. "You said we would get out of here! You lied!", I screamed at him.

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