Adaa e ishq X

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Karim called her from a distance and she turned to look at him but she didn't run back to him like always. She just showed him her phone and walked away, further away from him and didn't even look behind.

Today was Karim's last exam and then after attending some subsidiary classes and practical he will walk out for a new life. He will be graduated, he will finally do what he wanted, to be zoologist. Of course, he will go for his masters and PhDs but it will be a new phase of his life. This phase would also have been like waking up in the morning and go for class, just like a daily life but in this new step, he will have someone beside him, Benazir.

But for some reason she was ignoring him. They didn't talk to each other much but for past few days, he didn't even get a glimpse for her. Whenever, he saw her, either she would look at the floor or never notice him. If, their gaze met each other she just nods her head in greeting like a junior do for her senior and walks out from there. Whenever he calls out her name, she would just give him a smile and again walks away.

Something has hit her and maybe, no he is sure that something is definitely related to him. She is just like a nursery book, that is easily understandable. But what's bothering her, that is out of his reach.

And today when he called her, she didn't answer him. He saw her, she was sitting leisurely, she looked at her phone when he called but didn't pick it up. He was calling for five minutes, looking at her but she didn't.


"Aman, where are you?" Benazir was in a restaurant waiting for Aman as he called her for a small gathering. She came with Aditi but suddenly Aditi ditched her outside the restaurant and walked away. And nobody was here, not even Aman and when she called him, he said, "I will come later, I have already booked table for us, you just sit down, I will come later." And then just hang up. "Hello, Aman....."

She sat on the booked table and called him again but he didn't pick it up, "What is this Aman. This is really not funny." She murmuring to herself when somebody stood in front of her and sat down. Benazir saw Karim and looked here and there, "Hello, sir."

"How does it feel Naaz, when somebody don't pick your call and keeps you...." Hurt and anger was clear in his voice but still keeping him calm he spoke softly when she cuts him, "Sir, you are involved in this joke?"

"Joke" now his anger was jumping to come out, "Joke, Naaz. Then what are you doing? Not picking my call, not coming to me, not even looking at me." His voice got heavy, he moves toward her and grabbed her hand, she was using all her force to push his hand away but this time he was harsh on her, "Naaz, don't beat around bush please. Just tell me. What did I do? What the hell cause you to ignore me?"

He then left her hand and rubs the place he was holding and whispered, "Tell me. It's unbearable."

Benazir opens her mouth two-three times to say something to him but her voice got teary and finally she spoke, "Sir, why does it matter that I am ignoring you. You have a goal in front of you. You mother's company, your father's company, everything."

She knew about him; she knew everything that a normal acquaintance would know but still didn't knew everything.

"Who told you and what?" his voice was strict this time.

Benazir didn't answer him and gets up and walked out. He followed her behind and takes her to his car. Locking it he asked her again, "Who told you? Seriously tell me Benazir. Because, my personal life, my goals and my parent's company are none of their business."

Benazir just looked outside at the window and Karim grabbed her face to his. This time they were close, dangerously close. No, there was no line between them, there was no right or wrong between them. In the car, they can only hear each other's voices, each other's breathe. Karim's lips were itching to do something but he only whispered to her, "Naaz, I am not your regular guy. Not a regular rich kid. I am expensive, very much. People are dying to see me die. That's why my identity is in front of everyone but hidden, that's why I need to know, who is the person and what they told you?"

Benazir was looking into his eyes, she didn't blink, didn't looked away and answered him, "Prof. Aditi. She told me that you come from a rich and powerful family. Your father was the owner of the hotel I am working and your mother was a zoologist, whose research is still incomplete and you don't want to focus on that. She is thinking that I am distracting you. Because of me...." Now her eyes were full of tears. 

She still didn't remove her gaze but she let her tears flow in front of him. She let him see her, let him see that how the professor's word really hurt her deeply. That how she doesn't want herself to become the reason of his distract. She stopped speaking but her eyes were speaking loudly and for the first time in his life he wanted her to just stay silent. 

In the heat of the moment, he kissed her eyes, she didn't stop him. He kissed her cheeks, she let him, he kissed her lips and she just gave in. Both of their lips were moving with each other. Both of them were inexperienced but both of them knew what they wanted. Their lips moves with each other, their hands moved with each other when suddenly Karim's hand touched something and he pushed her away and started murmuring, "Sorry, sorry, sorry..... It's fluffy."

Now this was matter of her pride, "So, are they not good?"

"They are very...... oh stop it, Naaz." Now Karim was flustered, mood in the car changed into fun from tension and Benazir started laughing loudly. Karim was so ashamed of this and her laughter were more uncomfortable for him so to shut her he pulled her to him and started kissing again.


A/N:- This is my favorite chapter. Hey, hey not because of  that..... but because I have used my mind to write it.
And yes, Another story is coming that I have mentioned in last chapter but only trailer. And the story will be upload from 10 days from now on.

So, vote for it.

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