Beygharaz Ishq III

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A knock on the door shove off Jubin from his dreamy sleep. Opening his eyes a little he peeked at the wall clock, it was 9 'o' clock in the morning.

Stretching his arm, he heard another knock, taking a few sleepy steps he opened the door and looked at the waiter who was grinning widely at him.

Jubin raised his eyebrows at him, clearing his throat, and the waiter looked down and said "Good morning sir, Here your breakfast, we have heard that you usually do breakfast at 9'o' clock and........."

Before he could complete his sentence Jubin cut him "Thank you so much" he looked down at his breakfast, bread with butter and orange juice "Well, you guys heard too much, Breakfast is exactly like I want."

Waiter grinned widely "Yes sir, one of our staff told us, she said she has worked for you, Umm, yes Payal Abbas," Jubin snapped his eyes at him on hearing her name, "Sir, did she really worked for you, leave that how can you remember her, sir can I have an autograph" waiter said in one breath.

Jubin nodded, her name was still ringing in his mind, and the waiter came inside and kept his breakfast on the table and took out a small diary and a pen from his pocket and handed him enthusiastically.

Jubin gave him an autograph and the waiter went out from his room taking the prize possession.

After freshening up and having his breakfast, Jubin got a call from his tourist guide.


Coming to the lobby his gaze went toward the reception area.

And there she was standing with all her glory, giving a smile to the man who came for enquiring.

How much his heart wanted to rip that man from that place.

How much he wanted to grab her by her hand, take her to the secluded place and kiss her senselessly, punish her lips to show her smile to that man.

But he controlled all his dangerous emotions, because he didn't have rights to do it, she is someone else's wife now, not his.

He took slow steps toward her and cleared his throat to get her attention.

And when she looked at him, his breath got hitched, she asked "Yes, sir, how may I help you?"

He gave her a small smile "Thank you for the breakfast, Payal."

She looked at him blankly and said "You should thank the chef sir, I didn't make your breakfast."

"Yes, well how's your husband." He asked her controlling his emotions. And her face became blank but her eyes were telling him a thousand stories but before he could start reading them, she averted her gaze.

"None of your business" he flinched slightly at her answer.

He was about to say further but someone interrupts him "Jubin Mirza"

He looked toward the sound and a small man came running toward him "Hello sir"

"Hello" Jubin greeted him.

"Sir, I'm your tourist guide, Dheeraj, It's our time to explore the city sir, so..."The small man, Dheeraj, his tourist guide asked him, Jubin nodded and looked toward the reception area, but Payal was not there.

Jubin wanted to see her, talk to her, but dejectedly he left from there to see the beauty of Chamba.

Exiting from the hotel he heard something that made him restless for his entire journey.

"Oh, Do you know that Payal, the receptionist, is a divorcee, she left her husband."

He stopped in his tracks, he looked at the group of three female staff of the hotel who were casually standing a little away from him.

"Really, maybe she must have affair with someone else"

He clenched his fist.

"No yaar if she was having affair with someone else then why she don't mingle with any male staff here, she stay away from them as much as she can"

He closed his eyes in frustration.

"But why did she divorce him, she is surely like those women who....."

He clenched his fist and turned to them "Excuse me, enough of your gossips, can you go and do your work, please."

He shouted at them and those women looked here and there in embarrassment.

"Ye....Yes sir" One of them said meekly and all of them moved out from there.


"Payal, are you free?" One of colleague asked Payal.

Payal nodded at him and he came to her with a packet in his hand and requested "Payal yaar, please keep this packet in storeroom of fifth floor, I would have been kept it but I am very busy right now" he said in one breath and runs from there before Payal could stop him.

She was not doing her reception duty today, she didn't want to meet him, meet her past, meet the person who does things on his own assumption, but it looked like fate was not with her today.

Taking the packet with her she opens the door of the lift, when the door opens, the person inside the lift takes her breath away.

Pain gripped her chest tightly, some unshed tears made its way in her eyes, taking deep breaths, she stepped inside the lift, ignoring his gaze.

Jubin was hell tired today. He was exhausted both physically and mentally, he just wanted to go to his room and slump down on his bed, taking a sleep to cure his tiredness.

Entering the hotel he looked at the receptionist but Payal was not there, his spirit fell, he wanted to talk to her, talk about her divorce, if those gossips were true.

With a heavy heart he walks inside the lift and soon his wish is accomplished.

On the second floor the lift's door opens on its own and there she comes with a packet in her hand.

His breath hitched seeing her, she also looked exhausted and sad.

She came inside the lift but ignored him.

Not wasting his time he asked "Payal, where's your husband?"

She looked at him, her eyes were shedding some tears, but instead of wiping them she let them fall and looked at him with accusation in her eyes and whispered "We divorced"

Jubin heart does summersault, he don't know with happiness that she is not with someone else or with sadness that she is divorced, she is not happy like he wanted, wanting to listen more from her he asked further "But, but why, you guys loved each other, then why did you and Fawad divorced?"

She just gave him a longing stare, and instead of answering his question she gave a shrug "World doesn't run with your assumption, Jubin." Then the lift door opens and she walks out from there, leaving him in a dilemma, leaving him to calculate her words carefully.

A/N:- Hey readers.

storyshaheer is back again with another update of Beygharaz Ishq.

So, enjoy, vote and comment. Next update on Sunday (May be on Saturday)

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