Keemti Ishq IX

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"Oh no" Afaf shouted, kicking her scooter.

Sheryaar was watching her action with a smirk on his face.

"Oye scooter, tujhe abhi hi kharab hona tha, please yaar please, Aaj Zafar ka birthday hai, tu abhi khrab nahi ho sakta" Afaf was murmuring to herself.(Scooter you have to screwed now, please man please, today is Zafar birthday, you can't do this)

Sheryaar raised his eyebrows on listening that today is Zafar birthday, he cleared his throat and said "Mrs. Sheryaar, if you want I can drop you?"

Afaf glares him and said "It's Miss.Khatoon, Sheryaar sir, and by the way, I can go in auto."

Sheryaar imitate her in his mouth, then again he said loudly "I will drop you and It's an order, come"

Afaf huffed and went to catch an auto but Sheryaar interrupts her every time and every auto passes away from there. After half an hour, Afaf sits in Sheryaar's car.

"Let me tell you my address," Afaf said.

Sheryaar glance at her and said "Afaf, I know that you know that I follow you."

Afaf snapped at him loudly "You don't follow me, you stalk me."

"Excuse me, I don't stalk you, I follow you," Sheryaar corrects her.

"Oh hello, keep your eyes on road not on me" Afaf said.

"Ah, not my problem, you still look beautiful" Sheryaar said.

Afaf didn't speak this time. Then Sheryaar continued "You haven't change a bit Afaf, you are still the same, a bully. I still can't believe you cheated me, why did you do it, Okay leave that, just tell me who is the man?"

Afaf chuckles "Why don't you ask your mother, after all she planned all these things"

Sheryaar closed his eyes in frustration, then open and gazes at busy roads "Afaf, why all of you blaming my mother, she is not wrong, I believe her more than everything"

Afaf scratches the window and said "Really, you can believe your mother, not me, why, because I was characterless from the college, okay you tell me, with which boy you have seen me to be intimate, when did I bunked my classes with my virtual boyfriends, never, never, Sheryaar, you are believing your mother, then do, but at least, you could have trust me, but no, you........" she was on verge on crying, Sheryaar stops his car to dry her tears, but she jerked him and signals him to drive the car.

Their further journey went in a silence. Sheryaar stops outside the alley, Afaf comes out from the car then Sheryaar spoke "You will not invite me to your house Afaf?"

Afaf stopped in her track but didn't turn, then Sheryaar continued "Okay, Say Happy birthday to my so..... to Zafar"

Afaf was about to answer him, when a masculine voice called her "Affu"

They both turned toward the man who was approaching them "Kamil" Afaf mouthed his name.

With a big grin on his face Kamil stopped in front of Afaf "Affu how are you?" then he glances toward Sheryaar with confusing look on his face "You..."

Sheryaar forwarded his hand and with a stern face he said "Sheryaar, her husband"

The big grin on Kamil's face faltered and a big smirk approached on Sheryaar's face. With shock written on his face Kamil shakes his hand with Sheryaar and clearing his throat he said "Oh, I thought, Afaf and you are divorced"

Sheryaar just gave him his fake smile. Kamil the further continued "Afaf, everybody came, let's go and cut the cake."

Afaf smiled at him and nodded, Afaf and Kamil were going inside the house when Kamil turned to Sheryaar and asked "You will not come inside?"

"No" Afaf answered him sending a glare to Sheryaar.

Kamil raised his eyebrows and asked in confusion "Why, it's your son's birthday and you....."

Afaf cuts him in between and said "It's complicated Kamil, let's go."

Sheryaar clenched his fist when Afaf entwined her hand with Kamil, then taking a deep breath he left from there.


Next day, Sheryaar was working in his office when Afaf knocked at his door; Sheryaar gave a long glance at Afaf then signs her to come inside "Yes Afaf?"

Afaf fidgets with her dupatta and asked "Sir I wanted to ask that can I take half leave today, my son want to see..."

"Okay you can" Sheryaar permitted her, and then they heard a loud happy shriek and a little boy come running in his room and clutched at Afaf's foot.

"Are Zafar, what are you doing here, I told you na wait outside I will come soon."

Zafar grinned at her and said "I was just seeing ammi if your boss give you permission or not. Yeeeeeeee, he gave. Now we and Kamil uncle will go to see Avenger endgame, ammi come outside fast, Kamil uncle is waiting." Saying this he runs outside fastly.

All this while Sheryaar's gaze was on Zafar, watching his antiques, listening his childish voice, seeing the beautiful smile on his face.

Afaf cleared her throat and said "Sorry sir, my son is little enthusiastic, behavior wise he is just like me, but physically he went to his father." Pressing the last sentence, she rolls her eyes.

Sheryaar stares her, then rotating his chair in 30° and said "Afaf that man was Kamil right, whom you have slept, no don't take it otherwise I mean I'm curious, Kamil takes care of both of you in every way."

Afaf stares him with fuming anger the composing herself she takes corner of her dupatta, then dramatically she started fidgeting with her dupatta, and giving him a shy glance she answered "You are very smart Sir, yes he was Kamil, the man who used to give me best nights of my life, now I will take my leave, he must be waiting for me, bye."

She went outside leaving a raging and jealous Sheryaar behind; he throws pen stand in corner and gave a long sigh, controlling his tears. 

"I'm sorry, Afaf, I'm sorry" Sheryaar whispered to himself.

A/N:- Hey readers, here is new update. Read it, vote it, comment on it.

So I have another short story,

It is titled as Wattpad South Asia, prompt me 5 by storyshaheer.

It contain only 5 chapters so it will not take your too much time, give it a chance, votes and comments if you like the story.

I'm also sharing my username so that you can directly click on it and read that story from my library  


Please give it try, and tell me how is it.

Thank you.

Ps:- The shock is on the way, can you tell me what it is.....

ISHQIYAजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें