accidental pt. 1

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req by Heartstopperxx !!



couch added instead of chairs for convenience

"no, you fucking idiot, you can't just kill it without armor! are you trying to die?" johnnie groaned, watching jake attempt to play minecraft for the gaming stream they'd finally managed to get around to.

"what's it going to do? kill me?" jake threw his hands up in the air, charging at the creeper. and as expected, it blew up, and jake died. he pursed his lips, looking back at johnnie.

"what did i tell you was going to happen?" johnnie looked at him, raising his eyebrows.

"you said i was going to die."

"and what happened?"

"i died.." jake sighed, slamming his arms down on the table and putting his head in his arms. "bullshit."

"okay, so jake is going to take 3 or 4 business days to recover from this, and as much as i want to keep streaming i feel like he wouldn't appreciate it. so i think we're going to head off now. thank all of you guys for watching, i'll see you in the next one." he hovered his mouse over the end stream button, assuming he clicked it due to the fact he'd done this hundreds of times before. he closed his tab quickly, looking over to jake and smiling down at him.

"stream's over. what now?" he turned to jake, who now rose from his spot on the desk. he leaned back into the couch, "i don't know, do we have any plans tonight?"

"no? not that i'm aware of." johnnie looked down, turning his body away from the monitor. "you can check up with scuff or tara but i'm not sure they're up for anything tonight."

jake stood up, "i'm gonna step out for a second. i'll be right back."

"kay, love you." johnnie went back to what he was doing on his phone. he moved to the other section of the couch, out of frame. leaning back into the couch, he yelled "hey, jake, can you bring me a dr. pepper?"

"uh, no. whats the magic word?" he yelled back.

"suck my dick!"


johnnie laughed, as jake walked back in with a dr. pepper and a diet coke. he put them down on the desk, going behind johnnie and putting his arms over his shoulders. "what are you doing?"

"not a whole lot. i have to go edit later." johnnie sighed. "i don't want to."

"i'll tell you what." jake put his head on johnnie's shoulder. "i also have to edit later. i've been procrastinating a couple videos and it's been super annoying cause i keep postponing it. do you wanna edit together later? we can keep eachother on task."

"if i'm with you i don't know how you expect me to just.. stay on task." johnnie looked up at him, tilting his head. "remember what happened last time?"

"that's besides the point." jake laughed. "yeah?"

"mhm." johnnie sighed. "i guess so. if we actually get something done this time."

"we will!" jake rolled his eyes. johnnie patted the spot beside him, motioning for jake to come sit with him. he hopped over the couch, sitting on johnnie's left-hand side. johnnie leaned back, now resting against jake's shoulder.

jake put his arm around johnnie, letting the other rest against him.

"should we go out tonight?"

"mmph." johnnie mumbled into jake's chest. "i'm tired. would it just be us?"

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