Chapter 1

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The following is a work of pure fiction(maybe) that depicts violence, death, self harm and self hate, PTSD, mental disorders and murder (definitely) so proceeded with that in mind. I don't own any of the pictures or art in this story cause my drawing skills suck. I'm just your loyal Bard bringing you the story. Enjoy...


Part: 1


Dedicated to ChaymaaMarzaki


"Young master Damon! Please slow down!" Damon heard Sylvia call out, but that only fueled the mischief within him and he ran faster.

"You're gonna get hurt, please stop!" Sylvia called out again.

"It's not like you care! You're a hypocrite Sylvia!"

And in that moment of distraction, the golden-eyed boy slipped on a rock and hit his head hard on the pavement. He felt his head throbbing uncontrollably. Reaching out to touch his head, he felt a warm liquid. His golden eyes drained of color when he saw the red liquid staining his palm.
"B...b...blood," he felt his voice tremble until finally he slipped into unconsciousness.

Sylvia was in awe, her pupils dilated. It seemed like her brain was lagging. It was not until Damon lost consciousness that she reacted.

"Guards! The young master! Please help" she shouted in panic, running towards Damon. She picked up his limp body.

Poor boy, he hadn't been eating at all. His mother's death must have affected him severely. He acts so toughly, but in the end, he's still just a five-year-old boy. But now that his mother was gone, no one was there to protect him. Sylvia had seen it before. How much the rest of the family hated Damon, so she couldn't blame him for not trusting her.

The royal healer arrived after a while. He cleaned the wound and bandaged it. He then gave Sylvia the ointment to use and instructions on what to do. He hadn't assured that Damon would be alright. When asked, he simply stated it was a matter of time.

Throughout his recovery, he had laid in bed almost not moving, like he was lifeless. Sylvia was so scared. She would continuously confirm if the boy was breathing or not after short periods. Not even once had the duke or the rest of his family bothered to visit him, let alone ask for his condition. Sylvia made a promise to Damon that she would always be there for him. That she'd protect him till he's old enough to protect himself.


Earth had gone into chaos. It was the year 3705 when the apocalypse befell Earth's inhabitants. War became rampant, all the countries fighting against each other, some standing together to claim victory. Many lives were lost, an entire two-thirds of the world's population was gone. The leaders were power-hungry, and not willing to stop the war. Some went as far as using children as war machines, some as assassins, and others as spies. Aries Rielsé was one of these children. He was trained with the sole purpose of being like an executioner. His childhood was void, he had been stripped of all emotions. When the army first came for him, his parents resisted. And like all the others who did they were killed in cold blood, in front of him.

The drive for revenge was what kept him going. He rid of all emotions connected to humanity, didn't bother resisting, and did as he was told. Killed whom he was told to, even if it was a close comrade, a relative, someone important, or anyone else. All he wanted was to end the war. To do that, he needed to destroy the core of all of this, Killian Reds. The military general of Hielda. He was behind everything, everyone's pain. And Aries planned to take him down.

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