Chapter 7

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dedicated to fraimy


Aries might not be as strong as he was in his past life, but he knew danger when it was right in front of him. Trian's words might have come out as calm and maybe to some degree jokingly, but his facade couldn't fool Aries. This person was no less of a demon.

He could kill without a second thought or any regret. As expected from the leader of an assassin clan. What didn't sit well with Aries, he was masking his nature like an oleander, beautiful, yes, but extremely toxic. He reminded Aries of Killian.

"Privacy," and with that, Trian sent off the man, only him and Aries remaining in the room. The atmosphere was cold, both of them exhibiting a threatening aura. Silence reigned none of them breaking it or their eye contact. Aries knew Trian was trying to read his energy level but he couldn't understand why he was taking so long. The silence dragged for a while but it didn't make either uncomfortable.

"So, what do I owe this visit to? I don't remember running a daycare, "Trian said in a rather sarcastic tone.

Aries by far knew this man was not one to joke. What could possibly be brewing in his devious mind?

"I'm honoured to be granted a hearing with you Mister Del Ghul," Aries said with a slight bow.

Since when did I become so courteous?

Trian gazed amusingly at the boy in front of him, letting a slight chuckle slip his lips.

" Oh, so you have basic manners, what a waste. Didn't expect that from someone who comes off as a street rat, " Trian said amusement glazed his words. Almost sounding innocent.


" Thank you, but I came here with a request, " Aries said in a calm voice. His demeanor not matching his physical age, this didn't go unnoticed by Trian.

The left side of Trian's lip tugged up slightly then came to a thin line.

This boy is indeed interesting. First I couldn't sense his energy at all and now his demeanor seems like that of someone way older mental wise. He has a secret, I'm quite intrigued and interested in find out. Spy or not.

He scoffed, a slight smile tagging his lips.

"Here I thought you were here to simply visit, such a bummer, " he said in a playful tone.

" State what you want, just because you amuse me, "Trian added.

At least he is honest.

" I want to join the Dark Rose, " Aries said, his expression still nonchalant.

Trian's expression hardened, his eyes narrowed and glared at Aries. His lips pursing in a straight line. Aries however, remained unmoved.

There was a drastic drop in temperature the room, the white haired man's icy magic slipping in the air around him.

There it is, his true nature, a demonic one indeed.

Aries nearly bust out laughing, but he luckily suppressed it into a slight twitch at the left corner of his lip.

"So, are you a spy," Trian asked his voice icy cold.

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