
978 26 13


*Easy by Connor Price, Nic D
*Sky Walker by Miguel, Travis Scott

After a long day yesterday, I got back home and made my room vibe with me

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After a long day yesterday, I got back home and made my room vibe with me. I also bought some plants for the house and food, then drifted off to sleep.

"AURORA!" Wardo screams at me and I run to the kitchen, in pijamas and messy hair. I just woke up by this scream, he better be dying.

"You only bought shit to eat! There is not a single protein bar, or -"
"Theres like some fruits" I cut him off.

"YEAH, PINEAPPLE AND WATERMELON BECAUSE THEY ARE THE ONES YOU LIKE. I can't do a fucking pineapple smoothie" He complains and I rub my fingers in my forehead "Go buy your things yourself then, bitchass" I tell him as I go back to bed. "I can't believe you only bought shit" He hits the same note again and I roll my eyes to the back of my head as I throw myself in bed.

"No seriously auror-" He starts and I just let out a loud groan.

"Are you insane?" He asks and I get up to close the door in his face. "You fucking woke me up to complain about MY things, leave me alone" I say

"It's 2pm, you should wake the fuck up lazy ass" He screams through the door and I hum in disagreement.

Yeah, exactly my point. I fell asleep at 6am. I should be sleeping.

Against my will I get out of bed and put on denim shorts and a tank top. In my feet some sandals and a cute coat on top of it all. "Why are you dressed with your jersey?" I ask him as I open the newly bought cookies.

"I have a game in 2 hours, it's against riverside" He says as he eats yogurt. "Soccer?" I ask him as I see his jersey, "No, fucking golf clubbing" He says sarcastically, I give him a fake smile in return.

"Riverside is like far, right?" I ask him, going back to the topic and he shakes his head. "Like 15 minutes from here" He corrects me. "You should come, Daph and Mikey will be there" He points out as he finishes eating and places his plate and fork on the dishwasher. "Thanks, but I'll stay" I tell him, too tired to go out.

He leaves and soon after and I put on Brooklyn 99 to watch. My favorite show ever.

I grab some reese's and nerds to eat as I watch it.

Suddenly I get a call from an unknown number, I answer it.

"Hey love" A boy's voice echoes through my phone, I frown at it "Uh, who is this?" I question, almost turning it off. "Anthony, you dumbass! Come to the main entrance and I'll show you around. Just met your brother leaving and he told me you're not doing anything" He suggests and justifies the sudden call, I smile at it. I pause the show and shove two Reese's down my mouth as I get up from the couch "Coming in a sec!" I tell him and turn it off the call and going down the elevator.

I get stuck.

What the fuck?

I call my brother, but he doesn't reply so I just call Mikey "Are you fucking shitting me?" I ask him "What?" He confusedly replies and I sigh in anger "Would you mind passing the phone to the idiot of my brother?" I request and he murmurs something and walks up to him. "He is uh.. on field" He exclaims and I groan "Couldn't care less, GET HIM ON THE PHONE MICHAEL" I yell and he obeys.

"What?" He angrily breathes out as I roll my eyes. "Couldn't've mind to tell me the elevator DOES NOT work?" I question him indignantly, this is a big thing you know. "Yeah, sorry 'bout that. It'll work in like 3 minutes, relax. Gosh." He has the audacity to complain and turn it off. I'm gonna punch this kid.

I jump in the elevator but it does nothing, I then wait for some minutes. Definitely more than 3. The doors open, and I am able to go meet up with Anthony.

"Hey there!" He cheerfully says, eyes sparkling as he sees me and pulls me into a hug immediately. "Hello! How are you?" I ask him retrieving the energy, as we separate the hug. "Oh i'm good, girl what about you?" We start small conversation through the campus.

It is gigantic not big. The entirety of this is so big I could take a taxi and still be 15 minutes late to class.

We end up leaving the campus and going in a coffee shop to eat something, since we've been the whole afternoon out.

"So, are you liking here so far?" He asks as I take a sip of my iced coffee. "Yeah, I mean I just got here but it seems pretty fun" I comment, he chuckles at it. "There's anyone who caught your eye?" He asks and I shake my head.

At the same time a group of people enter the coffee shop. A blonde girl, brunette girl, and 3 guys. A blonde one, and 2 brunettes. But holy fuck. The taller one, he has chocolate brown hair, his skin is a slight tan. He is wearing a soccer uniform, a purple one that hugs his body perfectly. His grin is gigantic and they all sit in a round table, the same boy just raised his hand and all their food arrives. I guess this is a usual spot for them. My mind doesn't want to but I force myself to take my eyes off him.

"I guess now you do hm" Anthony implies, looking at me with a knowing smirk and I flip him off. "It takes more than a gorgeous smile to get me" I certify him and he leans in "That's Rafe. Rafe Murray and his gang. The other brunette is his brother, Christopher. Blonde girl is Chris's girlfriend, and the brunette is a fixed fuck for Rafe. The other guy is their friend, Max." He explains and I nod. "Couldn't care less" I tell him and he shrugs.

Suddenly my friend group passes through the same front door. They immediately spot me and come sit with us. "Those fucking jackasses" My brother complains, looking at the group we were previously talking about. I frown my brows at him. "Why?" I curiously ask.

"They were the team I was against today. We lost." He explains and Daph points with her head towards Rafe. Silently saying "hottt" as she waves herself with her hands.

"And that guy.." Mikey looks at Rafe, not knowing his sister was talking about him, keeps on talking "Almost punched your brother" He finishes and now I am confused. What the hell.

"Woah, what. Why? How did it got to that point?" I ask concerned, fidgeting with my fingers but looking up. "We were chanting 'what happened' because they were losing, Rafe over there got offended and scored twice. We were now losing and out of the blue Rafe just went for him" Mikey explains and I nod in understandment. That's outrageous. "What about you?" I ask Mikey, "What happened to your fist.. and face?" I ask, now analyzing better. His hands are reddish and his face has a purple on the upper cheek.

"Rafe. He didn't punch only your brother, he also punched me" He clarifies. "WHAT?"

No way.

I look at Rafe once more and my brother gets up. "Not pulling with his bullshit anymore" He states, marching towards Rafe.

"Still a sore loser?" Rafe asks, leaning into his chair as he looks up at my brother, not giving a single care about it. "Says the one that had to throw a punch d to prove himself" My brother bites back.

"Oh yeah? Cause from what I remember, you threw the first punch Campbell." He says and I look at Daphne, she refuses to look in my eyes, giving in too easily the fact that she's lying.

My brother started it. That fucking idiot, and he still dared to lie to me.

I look at them again, they are still arguing. "Wanna try again, big guy? Was last time not enough?" Rafe tries him and I know how this is going to end up.

I walk over to them, getting the courage from fucking unknown places, and bite back to him. "You will be lucky if your dick is the size of your ego" I tell Rafe, he smirks when he sees me. "It's bigger" He states and I can't help but ironically chuckle. "Pulling up a fight in a coffee shop tells me different." I assure him and grab my brother's arm, pulling him away from there.

"Are you fucking insane?" I comprehend him.

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