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* REEL IT IN by Aminé
* Swim by Chase Atlantic

"How was your first lesson?" I get questioned as soon as I step inside the small apartment that accommodates me and my brother. He's sitting on the kitchen counter, eating some nuts he placed on a small glass pot.

"Just fine. All of the guys are terrible, kinda like you" I tease, walking into the kitchen and throwing one of those nuts into my mouth. "Why are you sweating? Did you skate?" My brother asks, frowning his brows as he takes my image in.

"Yeah, defeated all of them on the ice to prove how good I am" I sassed with proud, walking to the sink and rinsing a glass before opening the fridge.

"Pff, like you never played against more, and professional hockey players" He scoffs, not seeing a big deal out of it. "My point exactly" I say, pouring water into my glass and downing it in a go, then putting the glass into the sink again.

"Rafe give you any problems?" He asks, looking up his eyelashes to inspect my expression. "Shoved me against the wall, desperate to win, but all it took was a little fake cry to get back up" I tell him, winking.

When I start to look for my computer, I realize it's nowhere here. Fuck I must've forgotten at the practice.

A notification pop up on my phone, and I see I have been added to a groupchat. One with all the hockey players plus my uncle.

And right after a notification coming from Hayden.

Hey, it's Hayden
nice show out there on ice, wanna hang out some other time?

I smirk at the notification, answering with a sure, and ask him if he could take my computer with him. I take a screenshot of it and send it to Daphne. "What are you smiling about?" My brother asks, a disgusted look clearly plastered across his face. "Nothing you'd like to know" I sing, walking into my room. "Remember, NEVER when I'm here!!" I hear him yell before I close my bedroom door and throw myself in my bed.


The days pass quick. I'm currently leaving one of the few classes me and Mikey have together, because our courses are similar enough I guess.

"Right right, just shut up about it" I bump my shoulders on his playfully after he mocked me for the seventh time today, just because I got an A, and he got an A+. "Next time, I'll be getting an A++, and you a C" I taunt, keeping the smug look on my face. "Maybe in your dreams" He jokes, still laughing about his unfunny joke.

"I can't believe you're leaving for a week, how will I survive class without you?" I whine, giving him a side hug as we keep walking.

Mikey and Daphne are going on a trip with their parents, apparently a trip about business, which neither Mikey or Daphne are interested in take the lead. Their parents however, seem to be having a rough time accepting it. Still thinking Daphne is doing English as a hobby, just like Mikey with Hockey.

"Careful, people might think we're friends" He says sarcastically, pushing me away playfully as I roll my eyes. "Friends? Whoa there buddy" I smirk, ruffling up his hair. "Maybe in your dreams huh?" I repeat his previous saying, a smile across my face as he shakes his head, also smiling.

"Shut up" He shoves me away as we get through the campus to our next class. "Double it and give it to the next person" I answer him, sliding on my seat as he slides beside me.


In the middle of the class, a knock on the door interrupts the teacher's lecture, and as the door opens, a worried Anthony is spotted. "Aurora! Right now, come here" He states, pointing roughly to the ground. I look at the teacher, his eyes widen as he shakes his head, denying the request.

"No! Absolutely no-" The teacher starts, but I get up grouping my things. "What? Hey teacher? Can I go?" I ask, interrupting him, as he was about to deny it once again, I smile sorry at him. "Great! Thank you teach, you're the best!" I yell, running through the door as I close it.

"What do you want?" I ask him, worried as well.

I mean he did just take me out of class, it can't be for nothing.

"Come here" He simply says, running into the opened part of the campus. I instantly spot Rafe and my brother. Oh no.

I run up to the situation, seeing a crowd slowly start to form around them. I grunt and shove the people away, trying to her them. "Be ready for tomorrow asshole, you'll be eating ice" My brother affirms Rafe, his tone loud enough for the surroundings to hear.

"Yeah? I don't think so. Especially with your hot little sister there, rooting for me" Rafe provokes. Oh no #2

My brother's jaw clenches just like his hands, his knuckles turning white, my brother is huffing as Rafe just smirks up at him, licking his teeth as he awaits for a reaction. What is Rafe even doing here?

"Rooting for you? More like screaming at your incompetence at staying on two feet on the ice. Next time you think about shoving a player, make sure it's not a girl asshole." My brother replies, and now I definitely regret sharing information about Rafe to him.

The people around all "ooh", making me roll my eyes. "Right, you'll hear just right how much she'll scream" Rafe keeps his smug expression on his face, towering slightly over my brother. My brother shoves him away, and Rafe scoffs.

"All you got?" He insists and I'm done, I walk towards the font of the conflict before things escalate too quickly, and my brother jumps at Rafe, so I grip my brother's arm.

Once he realizes it's me, he rips his grip away from me. "Really? Him?" He asks, looking disgusted between me and Rafe and storming away from us. I run my hand through my forehead and deadly glare at the hockey player.

"Show's over, everyone!" I yell, angered by the entire situation. People start backing off.

"FYI" I start, walking closer to him with my head held high, determination sparkling in my eyes. "My brother was right, the only scream that comes out of my mouth for you, is out of rage. So back the fuck off."

Rafe's hand touch my biceps when I turn away, "I came here to give it to you" He says, way softer than his tone before. I frown looking at his hands, before realizing it's my computer. "Can't believe Hayden told you to give me this" I scoff, snapping it away from his grip. And again, once I turn away, he turns me back.

"Hayden what?" He asks, looking straight into my eyes. "You're not the only shooter out there Murray" I smirk, now finally leaving the bubble of tension I was found on, but turning back to see a sarcastic smile plastered across Rafe's lips as his hands run through his hair.

"Hey! Hey! What was that all about?" Anthony instantly asks me, walking with me towards wherever I'm headed to. "Misunderstand" I mutter, walking to my dorm.

To yell the shit out of my brother's guts.

First month here and I have already drawn more attention than seniors. I guess you really can't take the city out the man.


AN: Some more tension between the two hihi, sorry I love the angst.

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