Chapter 17 - my first order

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After Dr. Weber couldn't find any abnormalities, the tense atmosphere slowly dissipated. Tatsuya analyzed Midnight and me once again and in the moment when his gaze roamed my body, I felt my heart start to beat faster. "You truly are full of surprises," he remarked with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

A brief knock on the door interrupted the moment and Wolfram entered. "Duke, I'm back," he announced. "Did you bring her with you?" Tatsu inquired. Wolfram nodded in agreement. "She's already waiting in the waiting room." Tatsuya directed his gaze back to me. "Would you accompany me?" he asked kindly, extending his hand toward me. A hesitant nod from me and I took his hand. The identity of this guest and the reasons for her arrival were unknown to me, but my curiosity piqued.

I briefly turned to Midnight. "It would be better if he stays here. I'll inform the staff later so that he can move around the estate without any issues," explained Tatsuya. His words brought a certain comfort and I smiled at Midnight. "I'll be back soon," I assured him, stroking his head. Midnight made a small circle on the bed and nestled into my pillow as I left the room with Tatsuya.

We left my room and the fact that I still held Tatsuya's hand didn't seem to bother him. When I attempted to release my hand, he gently seized it and pulled it through his arm, so we strolled arm in arm down the corridor. A pleasant tingling sensation coursed through me as his warm hand enveloped mine. My heart began to beat faster, and the heaviness of the morning seemed to vanish as if by magic.

His arm felt strong and muscular and I could feel the warmth of his body. A brief but intense clearing of his throat brought me back to reality. I became aware that I was practically groping his arm and staring dreamily. "Hmph," Tatsuya grunted and cleared his throat again. The embarrassing situation struck me, realizing that Isabella and Raven probably noticed how I was gazing at Tatsuya.

The corridor seemed like a silent corridor of intimacy and we remained silent for the rest of the way. Internally, I screamed with embarrassment but tried to calm myself. A deep breath was supposed to tame the stirred emotions. We reached the waiting room. Wolfram gently knocked on the door and announced our arrival.

A woman with long violet hair rose majestically from the sofa. In her elegant suit and black gloves, she exuded an aura of authority. Two individuals dressed in dark robes stood behind the sofa, bowing respectfully as we entered the room. "It's been a while. How may I serve you today, Duke Drakonov?" her voice rang out, clear and proud. As she lifted her gaze, I could detect a hint of surprise in her violet eyes upon seeing me. Tatsu quickly explained, "Haru, this is Lady Melva. She's a... merchant." We took our seats on the opposite sofa.

"I need some things," Tatsu said as Wolfram handed some papers to the merchant. "Mainly clothing and other everyday items. They shouldn't be hard to procure," she added monotonously, studying the papers. "I assume these are for you," she remarked, and my gaze turned questioningly to Tatsu. "She can provide you with anything you need. And you can buy whatever you want... money is not an issue," explained Tatsuya. He stood up and bid farewell, stating that he still had work to attend to. Wolfram was left by my side.

"Look at this," Melva whispered with a mischievous smile, pulling a measuring tape from her bag. "Shall we start taking measurements?" she asked with a friendly grin.

It was the first time someone took my measurements and a slight nervousness ran through my body. I positioned myself in the room and she began carefully measuring my hips, chest, shoulders, neck, head, upper arm, thigh, and even my fingers. Every single measurement was meticulously recorded in her notebook. Then, she grabbed a massive book from her bag. She noticed my astonishment immediately.

"This is a magical bag. Would you like one too?" she asked kindly, proudly presenting the bag. "A magical bag?" I inquired. "A magical bag houses its own little dimension. It can transport up to 2.5 tons and yet weighs no more than 500 grams," she explained conscientiously. My interest was attracted, and I nodded in agreement. A grin spread across her face. "I'll add it to the list," she added.

She spread several books on the table before me. They were lavishly designed catalogs with pictures of clothing and jewelry. From old-fashioned suits to colorful frilled puff sleeves, everything was represented. Hours passed as we worked through the pages and the diversity of the selection allowed my imagination to dive into the world of fashion.

Before I knew it, we had over 150 items on the list. In my defense: apart from my priestly robe, I had no personal clothing. The anticipation of new outfits made it hard for me to hold back. Moreover, Tatsu said that money was no problem, so I also ordered clothes for Ryota and Midnight. But not only that, I also included things for the estate and other items that I hoped would improve the villagers' living conditions.

After everything was meticulously written down, I noticed that the sun had already set. Wolfram invited her to spend the night at the estate and depart the next morning, an offer the woman graciously accepted. Her two companions continued to follow her in silence as Wolfram led them to their chambers.

Traders are extremely rare here, as hardly anyone dares to enter Tatsuya's territory. The access is difficult and dangerous due to the relentless weather and the monsters living there.

I hurriedly made my way to my room, eager to be with Midnight as quickly as possible. Upon entering the room, I found Midnight still comfortably lying on the bed. A water bowl and a plate with only bones remained were on the floor. It seemed I had worried in vain."Dinner will be served soon. Would you like to take a bath before or after?" Isabella inquired kindly. I chose to take a bath after eating.

Sitting at the desk, I sketched some ideas I intended to implement with the newly ordered items. Later, I went to the dining hall where Ryota was already seated. Tatsuya and the merchant were not present. Ryota shared his day's experiences with me and I recounted mine. After a leisurely bath, I nestled on the other side of the bed so as not to disturb Midnight.

From Wolfram's perspective:

Armed with accurately prepared papers detailing Haru's order, I stood before the imposing oak door of the Duke's study. A deep breath was taken to steady my nerves before timidly knocking. The Duke's deep voice granted me entry. Upon stepping into the room, I felt the weight of responsibility that came with this task.

In a space marked by elegance and authority, I silently handed over the papers. Tatsuya accepted them and perused with a thoughtful expression. "Is this all?" he inquired, his face carrying a serious appearance. A lump formed in my throat and I nodded silently. "Alright. Add the usual goods and then place the order," he commanded without much fuss, returning to his documents.

Surprised by the Duke's quick and uncomplicated acceptance, I lingered for a moment as my thoughts sorted themselves. "Is there anything else?" he asked, without lifting his gaze from the papers. "No, Sir." I bowed slightly, took the papers, and left the room.

Upon reaching the corridor, the tension that had gripped me could finally be released. The Duke's calm demeanor had surprised me. Despite his considerable wealth, the order, especially the magical bag, held significant value. It cost more than an entire village. The thought of pointing this out to Haru briefly crossed my mind, but in the face of Haru's genuine joy, I dismissed the idea. Sometimes, the happiness of an individual outweighs the value of material possessions. I would keep the exact sum to myself.

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