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"Okay, Camille, you can do this." I sniff, wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans as I continue pacing the hallway.

Fuck! I'm nervous.

Why the fuck am I nervous? Probably because I'm about to do the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life. I hate apologizing, especially to stuck up bitch that behaves like she's got something up her ass.

Oh, come on, Cami, you promised you wouldn't think anything negative about her again. A voice in my head reminds me.

Yeah, I didn't promise I would do it but I can't help it. It is Penelope we're talking about her.

I stop pacing when I notice the hallway is empty, which mean everyone is inside the cafeteria. Good. Now they can witness me make a big fool of myself.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "You can do this, just like you rehearsed," I remind myself and open my eyes.

I actually did rehearse what I'm about to tell her. I couldn't go to sleep after returning to my room yesterday and I spent the night being creative. Penelope wouldn't know what hit her and I don't mean anything physically.

I tighten my grip on the haul straps and walk inside the cafeteria, making a beeline to her table. Most students have their tables and it's not hard to find. She's finished with her breakfast, she's chatting with her friends, well, her crew: Alyssa, Calvin, a girl that I keep forgetting her name and Calder? What is Calder doing on this table?

Not looking at my table as I make my way towards Penelope's. I stop between Calder and Calvin's chair and bend my body until my hands are flat on the table. They stop talking as soon as my hands becomes visible to them. Penelope looks from Alyssa to me and frowns. I don't bother to look at Alyssa, she knows why I'm here. She encouraged me, so she shouldn't be surprised.

Penelope doesn't say anything, she just keep her frown and the whole Cafeteria has gone silent.

Everyone probably knows about what happened on the field and most of the people that were around last semester knows we don't get along and any form of confrontation always ends up in a bad fight. So they're probably wondering what I'm doing. And since I didn't tell anyone about my plans, I'm sure Jessica and the others are watching me with their mouth wide open.

I run my tongue over my lips and start. "I hate so many things about you, Penelope and I'm going to say them to you"–I stand up straight and point my finger at her before directing it to the floor as I–"right here. Right now."

I hear 'ohhhs' and 'that is sick' murmurs around me. Penelope hums and fold her arms across her chest, watching me with the side of her lips tilts up in a wicked smirk.

She's getting ideas because she doesn't know what I'm hoping to achieve. I hope she finds humor in this when I'm done.

"I hate the way you talk to me. And the way you style your hair, you probably think it makes you look beautiful but I think you'll be better bald," that earns another snicker from the audiences. I keep my gaze steady on Penelope, watching as her breathing change. She's angry but the way she's clenching her fist tells me that she's holding herself back, which is a good idea.

I continue, "I hate the way you drive the school, thinking you're incharge but let me tell you something, honey–" I bend down, coming face to face with her, "–you are not, you are just a student like everyone else," and whisper for only her to hear, "we both know who really runs this school." I wink.

"I hate it when you stare at people like they're beneath you but trust me, no one is beneath anyone, we're all suckers. Maybe except me since I'm a world class bitch too." I lean back and push my hair off my shoulder in a dramatic way. Classy move.

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