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Camille and I share an unexplainable psychic connection. I'm not sure how it's possible but I always know when she's in danger. The connection became strong recently, which was how I found out what was going on with her in the first place. So when I hear I scream while helping father to figure out where that bastard Caleb took her, I open a portal. I inherited the ability to open portals from my father but I'm not as good as him. He can open doors to anywhere in the universe, in the multiverse, even if he haven't been there or seen the place before. Me, I can only travel to places I've been or seen before.

The portal drops me off in the middle of a room and closes. Her scream of agony already awaken the monster I keep inside, it makes me ready to fight, to kill. I open my eyes and see Caleb standing, holding a limp, ragged looking Camille to his front, his teeth buried inside her neck. Before I can act, he opens his eyes and pushes her away, not noticing me. I catch her before she can fall on the ground.

"Camille." I take her with me to the group, cradling her as I push her hair off her face. "Camille!" She isn't answering, she's barely alive.

I listen to her heartbeat and hear how faint it sounds. My eyes studies her look, she isn't wear anything but her underwear and there are bites mark all over her. Her wrist has been slashed.

What has been Caleb been doing to her?

"Dam–Damian." She breathe out, coughing as she groans in pain. "Seba... Sebast–"

"Don't talk, save your strength." I cut her off and look over her again, my eyes finds what I'm looking for. I pick her up in my arms and look around the room for a place to put her but the whole room is filled with filth. Finding a space beside the door, I carry there and lay her on the ground before ripping her bracelet off. "Heal, my one, heal," I whisper and press a kiss on her forehead before turning to face Caleb.

Ready to kill him, I move with determination but he has his back to me, I place my hand on his shoulder to turn him to me but stop when I see him struggling to breath. His hands are wrapped around his neck, his lips stained with black blood, his eyes are so red that I think it's going to pop out any minute from now. His nose are dripping black blood. He goes down on his knees and manages to get words out, "hel...help me... Ple... please." He lays flat and removes one hand, extending it to my direction.

He looks like he's been torn apart from the inside. I look back to where Camille is still laying still. Realization hit me when the familiar scene unfold in front of me. It's Camille, her blood is doing that to him.

I never saw this coming. Her grandmother bleed black blood, she must have inherited it.

I look at Caleb again to see him struggling but I don't move. Watching as he turns into ash right before my eyes. This is exactly what happens when anyone sees El's blood. That means Camille and El are much more connected than I thought. I–

"Hey, Sinclair. The blood just changed colors to black, what's that ab–?" He stops talking when he enters the room and sees me.

Sebastian Holmes.

I know he alive, just never expect to see him so soon and working with Caleb?

"Damian," he calls my name and shut the door behind him, "Sinclair didn't tell me you were coming, so what's going on? Why crash the party you weren't invited to?"

I shrug and shove my hands into my pocket. "You and Caleb, I can't see anything common in your character. What are you doing here, Sebastian? Did you send Caleb to The Vale? What do you want Camille's blood?"

"I mean, I could tell you but I'd rather not, so be a dear and tell me where he went. I need to know why her blood changed color."

My eyes falls on the ashes on the ground before meeting Sebastian's gaze again. "He's dead, she killed him. Next question."

That wipes the smirk off his face. "Do not joke with me, Damian and tell me where he is or else–"

"What?" I prompt. "You can't hurt Camille anyway, not if you want to die trying. I, on the hand will kill you, so how about you tell me what's going on and I'll make your death as quickly as possible, just like your father's." Taunting is humans tactics to break the enemy's spirit and I'm not oppose to using it.

"I thought Dean cared about his students, what do you think the Chains family would say if they find out that one of their daughters died under his watch," he fires back. My tactics didn't work.

He's talking about Alicia. I figured Alicia is around here somewhere since she wasn't in school when I checked.

"Where is she?" I demand.

"You think you can just ask and I'd tell you. Fuck you!" He screams and rushes back inside the room, shutting the door behind him and screams. "I don't care if the blood is black, I'll use it like that!"

I go after him and turn the knob on the door and realize it's locked. I kick it open and stop when I see Alicia slouching against the wall, her mouth is taped and her hands are tied with rope. She isn't moving but her heart is still beating.

Sebastian on the other hand is standing over a pit with a body inside. I watch him lift an iron bucket from his side and dumps what I think is Camille's blood inside it before carrying the second one and tossing it inside the pit. He stands over it with a proud smile on his face.

"You better run for your life before my father wakes up," he warns.

He doesn't take me a while to figure out that he's trying to resurrect his father using Camille's blood. I should probably tell him that he's just wasting his time but I don't care.

I walk past him as he begins to cast some spells into the pit, I carry Alicia and take her out of the room to where Camille's laying. I remove the tape and the rope. "Alicia?" I shake her shoulder to try and wake her, she stirs but doesn't open her eyes. Who knows what those bastards done to her?

My eyes falls on Camille, she should be on her feet by now. I took off the bracelet minutes ago. I don't expect her to be strong enough but she should have moved from that position.

I leave Alicia and shift to kneel beside her. "Camille?" I drop my palm on her forehead to feel her temperature and it's cold, too cold. "Come on, Camille, wake up." I say desperately. She was awake when I first got here.

I listen to her heart and hear nothing. It's silent. Too silent.

No. No, no, no, no.

"No!" The roar comes from the other room before Sebastian tears the door open. "What have you done?"

I ignore him and focus on Camille.

"Don't ignore me, Damian. What did you do? My father should be awake by now but the blood melted what's left of his body. What did you do? I will not ask–"

I don't let him finish the sentence as I move with my super speed and dip my fingers into his heart and rip it out before squashing it in my palm. I drop the filth, his body falls on Caleb's ashes.

That wasn't so hard now, was it?

I open a portal to the school infirmary before going to pick Alicia up, I carry her through and drop her on the bed. Nurse Grady watches me with curious eyes before saying, "do I even want to know what kind of crazy adventures Cami goes."

I shrug. "Maybe not and how are you so sure it was Cami this time." I reply and head back into the portal but hear her shout,

"Because it's always her!"

I close that portal and open another one to the mansion. I bend and lift her lifeless body from the cold ground and carry through the portal, where father and a healer is waiting for us on the other side.

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