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Kritika's days became a monotonous routine of office work and loneliness. The vibrant energy of college life was replaced by the cold, sterile walls of her father's office. The laughter of her friends echoed in her mind, a painful reminder of a life she once knew.

Despite her resilience, the weight of responsibility on Kritika's young shoulders began to crush her spirit. She yearned for the camaraderie of classmates and the carefree moments she once took for granted. Each day blurred into the next, leaving her feeling like a stranger in her own life.

Loneliness became her constant companion. Her mother and sister, although well-intentioned, couldn't grasp the depth of her emotional struggle. Nights were spent in solitude, grappling with the silence that echoed the void left by her father's absence.

Kritika's heart carried the weight of loss, longing for the warmth and assurance that her father's embrace once provided. In the vast sea of people, she sought a connection that mirrored the love and protection she had known.

Through the ebb and flow of failed romantic encounters, Kritika faced a recurring theme – unrequited love. Each time her heart fluttered with hope, it was met with the bitter taste of rejection. She yearned for someone who could see the vulnerability beneath her strong facade, someone who would cherish her just as her father had.

Loneliness became a constant companion, and the void left by her father's departure seemed insurmountable. Nights were spent staring at the stars, wondering if somewhere in the universe, a kindred spirit existed who could fill the emptiness in her soul.

Amidst the disappointments, Kritika clung to the hope that love, genuine and reciprocated, was still within reach. She envisioned a man who would understand her pain without words, who would be her pillar of strength in times of despair. The echoes of her father's comforting words lingered in her mind, shaping the ideal she longed for in a partner.



It was just another boring day in office when my boss called me to her cabin

" Kritika, I need you to deliver a confidential file to Rathore Industries. It's crucial, and they're expecting it." said my boss

" Sure, I'll handle it. Any specific instructions or precautions?" I asked

"Yes, ensure no one else sees or intercepts the file. It's sensitive information." said my boss strictly

"Understood, I'll prioritize security. Anything else I should be aware of?"

"Just ensure a smooth handover, and keep me posted once it's done. Thanks, Kritika."

"No problem, I'll update you once the file is safely delivered to Rathore Industries."

"Huh ! Let's go Kritika " I said to myself and left for the Rathore Industries.

Upon reaching Rathore Industries, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the sophisticated ambiance. The sleek interior and the bustling activity of focused individuals immediately caught my attention. It's impressive how they've curated a professional and inviting atmosphere.

"Excuse me, I need to meet the CEO regarding a confidential file delivery." Thought I was very nervous but somehow managed to ask the receptionist

Receptionist gave me  a judgmental look and said "Well, you'll need to provide your details first."

" Sure, here they are. It's urgent." I said politely

The receptionist checked the details, still with an air of superiority " Fine, take the elevator to the 46th floor. He might be available." She said

"Thank you." I said, though I felt bad for her behaviour but could I do anything?

No, so I shrugged of the feeling of dullness and went towards the lift.

Upon reaching the 46th floor, I was directed to the CEO's room. Standing outside, I hesitated, contemplating whether to knock or not.

Should I knock? What if he's busy or in a meeting? Maybe I should wait a bit longer. But the file is urgent, and I can't keep him waiting. Deep breath, Kritika, just knock and get it over with. Time to face the CEO.

Nervous and scared, just as I gathered the courage to knock, the door swung open, revealing a striking figure—six feet two inches tall, jet-black hair, a sharp nose, and a chiseled jawline. Dressed impeccably in a tight-fitted Armani black suit, he was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. Mesmerized, I shamelessly found myself ogling, momentarily forgetting my purpose.

Our eyes met, and suddenly, my cheeks were on fire. The realization of shamelessly ogling at the CEO hit me like a ton of bricks. I quickly averted my gaze, hoping he hadn't noticed my brief moment of distraction.

"Way to embarrass yourself Kritika " I muttered under my breath and heard a chuckle

I nervously clutched the confidential file, my eyes met the man's as he stood at the door of his lavish office.

"Mr. Rathore?" I asked to which he hummed

"I'm here to hand over the confidential documents from my company." I said nervously getting intimidated by his stare.

Without uttering a word, his subtle gesture signaled for me to step into the opulent cabin. I hesitated for a moment, clutching the confidential file tightly, before complying with a nod. The door closed behind me, leaving me alone in the elegant space with a hint of anticipation lingering in the air.

He leaned against his desk and flashed a charming smile at me which made my heart race.

His charming demeanor enveloped me as he looked into my eyes and asked, "May I know the name of the captivating individual standing before me?"

My heartbeat quickened, and I replied,

"I'm Kritika"

"Kritika, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. I must say, your presence is the highlight of my day."

"Th-thank you, sir. I'll leave the file on your desk." I said while stammering

"Don't be in such a rush, Kritika. How about we discuss these reports over dinner tonight? My treat." He asked in his husky voice

"Oh, um, I'm not sure. I mean, it's work, and..." I said being flustered.  Never ever in my life had a man asked me out.

"Work doesn't have to be all serious, Kritika. Think about it. Dinner tonight, just two colleagues getting to know each other." He said and took a step towards me

I was so nervous that I spoke the first thing which came in my mind which was utterly stupid

"Sorry sir but I have tutions today" I said and rushed outside his cabin not before leaving the file on his desk


Selfishness Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora