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Flushed and shy, I hurried out of his cabin, my heart racing with a mix of giddiness and nervousness. Never did I imagine that a charismatic CEO like him would take notice of someone like me. The unexpected encounter left me feeling both exhilarated and shy.

Reaching my scooter, I fumbled with the keys, my mind still buzzing with the encounter. Sitting on the scooter, I took a moment to collect my thoughts. Pulling out my mobile, curiosity led me to search about Ranvijay Rathore, the intriguing man I had just met. The search revealed a few handsome pictures, each one making my heart flutter.

One particular photo caught my attention – his charming smile revealing a dimple. I couldn't help but bite my lip in excitement, daydreaming about the possibility of our next meeting. Lost in my thoughts, my mobile interrupted with a call from my mother.

As I answered my mother's call, her voice carried the gentle reminder, "Kritika, make sure to come home early today. We need to attend the wedding of your dad's friend's daughter."

I assured her, "Yes, Mom, I'll be there on time. Just wrapping up a few things at work."

Her tone softened, "Alright, beta. It's an important event for your father, and we should be there to support him."

"I understand, Mom. I'll be there," I replied, my mind still lingering on the unexpected encounter with Ranvijay Rathore, making the mundane task of attending a wedding suddenly feel a bit more intriguing.

Draped in a mesmerizing lavender anarkali, I arrived at the wedding with my mother, the vibrant colors of the occasion contrasting with the lingering shadows of my father's absence. My sister, Nisha, couldn't make it due to exams.

Despite my effort to look pretty, a part of me couldn't escape the haunting feeling of unworthiness. Ever since my father's passing, the loss of his affirmations had left me feeling like an imposter in my own skin. The memories of being called a fool by others after his demise had shattered my self-confidence, making me doubt my own worth.

Sitting beside my mother, who was engaged in conversations with various aunties, I felt a wave of boredom wash over me. The unfamiliar faces around me intensified the isolation. The mobile in my hand seemed uninteresting, with a sparse contact list and minimal followers on Instagram. With no friends to connect with, I found myself repeatedly checking the time, creating a facade of busyness to mask the underlying sense of loneliness and detachment.

Leaning in to my mother amid the wedding chatter, I whispered, "Mom, I think I'll wander around the food counter for a bit. It's getting a bit dull here for me."

She smiled understandingly, "Sure, beta. Go ahead. Just don't lose track of time. We'll catch up later."

With a nod, I excused myself, hoping the lively food counter might offer a distraction from the loneliness lingering in the crowd.

As I stood there, contemplating the array of starters, a tap on my shoulder startled me. Turning around, my eyes widened in shock as I faced none other than Ranvijay, donned in a black kurta, looking utterly dashing. The familiar charming smile on his lips left me breathless for a moment, my heart beating faster in surprise and anticipation.

Ranvijay, with his signature grin, teased, "Well, Kritika, fancy meeting you here. Can I join you in the quest for the perfect starter?"

Stammering, I replied, "Oh, um, sure. I mean, yes, you can."

He chuckled, "Great! So, what do you recommend? I trust your taste."

Blushing, I mumbled, "Uh, I like the... the paneer tikka. It's good."

Ranvijay, still smiling, nodded, "Paneer tikka it is. Your choice, then."

As we both reached for the starters, he continued, "You know, Kritika, your presence adds a special flavor to this event. I must say, I'm fortunate to bump into you."

My cheeks turned warmer, and I stammered, "Th-thank you. I didn't expect to see you here."

Ranvijay, being the gentleman, replied, "Well, fate has a way of surprising us. I must say, you look stunning in that lavender anarkali."

Trying to hide my shyness, I mumbled, "Oh, um, thank you. You look... good in black."

He winked playfully, "Why, thank you, Kritika. Now, let's enjoy these starters and make this evening even more delightful."

Ranvijay, with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, remarked, "So, Kritika, how were those 'tutions' of yours? I hope they were as captivating as the excuse you used to decline my dinner invitation."

Blushing, I stammered, "Oh, well, you see, they were... informative. Really informative."

He leaned in, a playful smile on his lips, "Informative, huh? I must say, your dedication to education is commendable. I hope your 'tutions' won't interfere with any future dinner plans."

Trying to match his teasing tone, I replied, "Um, well, I'll try to schedule them around dinner plans next time."

He chuckled, "Looking forward to it, Kritika. Now, let's not let those 'tutions' interrupt the enjoyment of this wedding feast."

Caught off guard by Ranvijay's playful acknowledgment of my fabricated excuse, I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. Flabbergasted, I mustered a nervous laugh, realizing that my attempt to evade his dinner invitation had been effortlessly exposed.

As the enchanting announcement of a couple's dance echoed through the venue, the lights dimmed, casting a romantic glow over the atmosphere. Suddenly, a hand appeared in front of me. Following its trail, my eyes met Ranvijay's, his smile inviting and warm. He asked, "Would you care to dance?"

Caught off guard, my initial shyness made me fumble for words. But as Ranvijay drew closer, a whispered "please" reached my ears, and before I knew it, my hand was in his, and we were gliding toward the dance floor.

His hand gently encircled my waist as I tentatively locked mine around his neck. The music embraced us, and as we swayed in harmony, our eyes locked, forgetting the world around us. My heart fluttered, and with each beat, I sensed a growing crush, an unexpected yet undeniable connection to the charismatic man who had effortlessly swept me into the dance of the evening.

Mid-dance, Ranvijay broke the enchanting reverie, his eyes locked with mine. With a gentle smile, he remarked, "You know, Kritika, you look even more beautiful up close."

His compliment sent a wave of warmth through me, and for a moment, I found myself lost in the sincerity of his gaze. The music played on, but his words lingered, weaving a subtle magic that added to the surreal atmosphere of the dance floor.

I couldn't find the words to respond, so I simply smiled, a shy acknowledgment of his compliment.

Ranvijay, still holding me close on the dance floor, leaned in and whispered, "Kritika, I'd love to get to know you better. How about you share your phone number with me?"

Caught between the desire to keep my guard up and the curiosity to give it a chance, I hesitated for a moment. Then, with a subtle smile, I decided to take a leap, "Alright, here's my number. Let's see where this goes."


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