002. buy me a drink, sing me a song

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Violet was a strange girl. She preferred to go by "Ollie" playing off of the two letters in the middle of her name. It was rare that you'd hear Kurt call her that, but everyone else did. She wasn't famous for anything; she wasn't in a band, she wasn't an artist, an author, photographer... she was nothing. But somehow Ollie always turned up in articles, on MTV, photographs, etc. She was almost famous.

"Is there a good bathroom to shoot up in?" Courtney burst into the room. Courtney always caught everyone off guard because she simply did not care about what others thought. She said what was on her mind, period.

"Not really," Ollie answered her, "this place is kind of run down if you haven't noticed. But I'm sure you're used to that. I sure as hell am." She joked with her best friend.

"Shut up, Vi!" Courtney smacked her shoulder, "I'm just sick of doing it in the shared bathrooms. I'm scared someone is gonna waltz in and try to take some." She giggled. Ollie rolled her eyes, in good fun, at Courtney and finished the conversation off with a shrug. She was sure Courtney would find somewhere, and if not, she'd resort to anything.

"You guys going to the after party?" Eric spoke up, rolling tobacco into a cigarette from the corner.

"Of course, who do you think we are?" Ollie furrowed her eyebrows at him with a smile. Eric could only agree that it was a stupid question. Courtney and Ollie were what the press considered to be "party animals" and they wouldn't have it any other way. It was the perfect lifestyle for them.

"Speaking of the party," Courtney spoke again, "do you know what time it's at, Eric? And where? I never got a formal fucking invite." She rolled her eyes, fumbling in her purse. Ollie spotted a bag of white powder and gulped. She thought the casualness of drugs these days was absolutely insane.

"Mark's house at 10." Eric informed the girl. Courtney mouthed an "oh" and proceeded to leave the room and find that bathroom she sought after. Ollie only sighed and turned to the table in front of her, she'd brought a joint for herself for later on. However, it was more appealing to her right now. She wasn't worried about wasting it, there would be plenty of weed at the party later.

"I'm gonna step out for a little," she informed Eric, jumping up from her seat, "see you later." She waved to the boy. Ollie found herself walking out of the room, down the hallways of this sketchy building, looking for an exit. Her 2 inch heels clicked and clacked for what seemed like hours until she finally found a door to the outside.

"Fucking finally," She mumbled opening the door. To her surprise, there was a man standing right beside the door on the other side. It startled her at first, she almost dropped her joint. He looked somewhat... familiar though, "Jesus Christ, I'm sorry. You scared me." Ollie smiled and set her hand over her heart for comfort.

"I'm sorry," the man smiled back at her, "there wasn't anyone back here and I was getting a little bored of being around all those people." He explained himself to her. Ollie had finally put her finger on it, she'd seen him a couple minutes ago when she was helping Kurt. He was Kurt's new drummer, Dave.

"Hey, I know you." Ollie pointed at Dave.

"Y-you do?" He asked with his voice getting slightly higher. Ollie made him incredibly nervous already.

"Well, kinda. I think I saw you with Kurt a couple minutes ago." She tried to remind him. Dave decided to act dumbfounded, like he hadn't been thinking of her ever since then, and he had only saw a flash of her.

"Oh," Dave prolonged the word, "yeah, you're right. Man, he's always getting hurt somehow." He giggled.

"Got that right," Ollie agreed, "I had to fight with the paramedics a little. They didn't think his injury was worth wasting any ice packs or slings. Can you believe that?" She leant against the wall beside Dave and rested her head back.

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