003. i was standing, you were there

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It had been a couple weeks since Nirvana's Reading performance. Smells Like Teen Spirit was officially out and very big. Everyone was so excited to get the entire album in a few short weeks. Dave was beyond thrilled that all this was happening, and it seemed to have happened overnight. People knew his music, that was enough to make him go insane.

"Hey, have you heard from Ollie at all?" Dave decided to finally ask the question that had been on his mind since Reading. The two had gone to the after party together, but nothing happened between them that night. Nirvana left in the morning, and Dave hadn't heard from her since.

"Not since Reading," Krist answered, "I'm sure she'll be in Boston when we go Wednesday though." He told Dave. Dave was completely unaware about this trip to Boston.

"Why are we going to Boston?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I guess Courtney's band is playing there and Kurt was invited." Krist rolled his eyes. He was never too fond of Kurt and Courtney liking one another. He didn't know why necessarily... Courtney was just a handful of a person. But she was Ollie's best friend so wherever Courtney Love was, Violet Phillips was there too.

"Oh," Dave shrugged, "sounds fun."

"Yeah, remember we leave Wednesday." Krist pointed at Dave to really get the point across.

"I got it, I got it. You sure Ollie will be there?" Dave mumbled the last part, still a little apprehensive about his whole crush on Ollie. Was it even worth talking about? She was way out of his league.

"Jesus, Dave. Are you in love with her or something?" Krist decided to tease Dave which resulted in an annoyed glare, "I'm just joking. Man, those two are always together so I'd say that the chances are high."

"Okay," Dave acted nonchalantly, "cool."

"Did anything happen between you two at Reading? I know you were totally all over each other but I never saw you guys at the party." Krist asked trying to run through the night in his mind to find any memory of Ollie and Dave together. Nothing.

"Uh, no... not really. We just talked." Dave had a hint of unsureness to his voice.

"Talked?" Krist asked. Dave sighed, trying to explain what happened between them. He didn't know if it was worth talking about or if it was just him getting the wrong ideas about this. He decided to remember the night from the beginning and try to piece together what it could've meant.

AUGUST 23RD, 1991

Ollie and Dave could barely hear one another speaking. The after party was quite crowded and filled with giant speakers. Angel by Aerosmith had come on as Ollie finished her 4th drink of the night. Dave was already completely wasted and giggling like an idiot. Ollie never left his side, surprisingly to him. The two were getting closer and closer to one another was the night progressed.

Ollie brushed her hair out of her eyes and just gazed up at the tall boy in front of her, "You're really tall." She slurred setting her glass down on the table beside them. Dave would never normally respond like he did, but the alcohol got him talking.

"You're into it, aren't you?" He asked her, slowly wrapping his arms around her waist. She seemed to melt at his touch, moving close to his body. They fit together perfectly.

"Well, I kinda like it." She hummed at him. Dave felt his entire body stiffen at the lack of space between them. They were completely attached to each other and felt absolutely comfortable with it.

"Just stay with me here for a minute." Dave lowly said, holding her tighter.

"Okay, okay." She giggled at him.

"Would you be mad if I kissed you?" Dave slurred. Ollie had been waiting for this moment, and wasted no time before standing on her tippy toes and giving Dave the quickest peck on the lips. She didn't want to rush anything with him since she didn't know if there was anything to rush into, "I guess that was a no then." Dave added with a smile.

"Where are you guys staying?" Ollie asked gazing up at Dave with her hands still intertwined with his.

"To be honest, I don't really know." Dave shrugged nonchalantly. That was the truth, he had no idea.

"Ollie, come on! The cab isn't gonna wait for you forever!" Courtney's raspy voice rang through their ears. With a frown, Ollie stepped out of Dave's grasp. She didn't want to leave, he didn't want her to leave. But Courtney was right, the cab wasn't gonna wait and she had no money to get a later one.

"I'm sorry," Ollie said, "I have to go. See you some other time?" She tried to get one last smile from Dave. He only nodded with a slight grin, feeling sad that she was leaving. He wasn't too worried though, he'd go take a cigarette break. Dave watched as Ollie made her way to Courtney who was half asleep and stumbling around. He couldn't help but laugh a bit and hope they got home safe. Dave was left with only himself now, wondering if he'd ever see her again.

"Come on, Dave," he almost jumped at the sudden sound of Kurt's mellow voice, "we should get going." With no reason to protest, Dave just shrugged and followed his friends outside. He was visibly upset, but no one said anything. They just assumed his hangover had started early. Which, it pretty much had.

"We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun! But the— what were the words, Kurt?" Krist went off slurring his words. Dave held his head in agony. Krist was a messy drunk. A funny one when you didn't have a headache as bad as Dave's. Nothing was funny to him right now.

"Get in and be quiet," Dave groaned from the backseat, "I'm gonna throw up." He added, resting his head against the window. Kurt and Krist piled into the back, pretty much on top of one another. Dave tried to ignore them, thinking about Ollie. That was something he caught himself doing a lot recently... thinking about Ollie.

"Wait! Pull over to that gas station, I want a Snickers!" Krist yelled through a laugh. Dave only groaned, hoping they'd make this quick. All he wanted was to pass out on a nice hotel bed and sleep til noon.

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