004. you can fall for pretty strangers

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Boston. Dave had never been to Boston. He was excited to finally see what it was all about, and possibly develop a new accent along the way. He was also excited to see Courtney play, he liked most of her music. He was mostly excited to maybe, potentially see and certain someone at the show. Ollie had been waiting for this day too, as she knew Kurt was invited and two certain people tended to follow him. One of them being Dave.

"Are you excited to see Kurt?" Ollie asked, lacing her Doc Martens up. Courtney was lazily applying a red-ish almost purple lipstick in the mirror. She didn't care if it got all over her chin. That's just how she was brought up, she observed what she saw her entire childhood and naturally adapted to it. As did Ollie.

"Yes," she purred, straightening her dress out, "he's so cute. I think I'm in love with him." Courtney smiled at Ollie. The two were in the small, disgusting bathroom of The Rat. Ollie and Courtney had been here many times before, as the owners favoured Hole's music. They had decided to "get ready" as best they could in there.

"What about you?" Courtney inquired.

"What about me?" Ollie asked.

"Oh, come on. Dave?" She asked, nudging Ollie's side.

"Well," she paused, trying to find the words, "I don't know if he's excited to see me." Ollie looked at her shoes.

"Fuck, Ollie! You have to stop this shit! He's probably been thinking about you since Reading. I know Dave, he's crazy for you. How could he not be?" Courtney left the bathroom, along with Ollie. She didn't know what to say, she could only smile thinking about the boy.

"All I'm gonna say, Court," Ollie began, "is that I hope I didn't shave for nothing." She bit her lip, earning a shriek from Courtney.

"You whore." She giggled, pushing Ollie's shoulder playfully.

"Says the ex-stripper." Ollie muttered through a smile.

"I heard that you bitch!" Courtney laughed. The two got into a fit of laughter, stumbling around the crowded venue.

Kurt, Dave, and Krist had just arrived. Dave was the last one in, nervous about tonight. He sorta wandered for awhile, not sure where to go. He kept an eye on Kurt and Krist so he knew where they were in case he didn't feel like being a loner anymore. Dave was used to being alone, he liked it.

"Slut kiss girl won't you promise her smack, is she pretty on the inside? Is she pretty from the back?!" Courtney took everyone by surprise when she broke into "Pretty on the Inside" from her album of the same name. Ollie was as close to the front of the stage as could be, watching Courtney perform.

Dave decided to make his way up there as well, knowing Krist would eventually make it up there. He also liked to be as close to the music as possible. Dave was still a bit apprehensive about everything, but he didn't know why. He felt like he didn't belong. He wasn't outgoing like Krist, but he wasn't super shy like Kurt. He was in the middle, which was frustrating.

"Hey stranger." Dave said coming up behind Ollie. He could've spotted her from a mile away from just her hair.

Recognizing the voice, Ollie smiled and spun around. Her eyes lit up once she saw him. She knew it was his voice, she just knew. It took everything in her not to embrace him in a bone crushing hug. She thought she better play it cool.

"Dave!" She exclaimed through her smile, "I'm so happy you came. I was hoping you guys would."

"Well, you know Courtney... she wouldn't shut up until Kurt agreed to come." Dave laughed, moving beside Ollie. The two tried their best to speak loudly over Courtney's powerful and alarming voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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