chapter 5

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Upon arriving at Gojo's house your phone wouldn't stop going off, multiple missed calls from Sukuna which resulted into you turning off your phone.

Currently you were waiting for Gojo to hop out the shower so with nothing to do you decided to look around his place since it was new and you hadn't seen it yet so you were curious.

The living room was very spacious a big bookshelf stood tall upon the wall many books and picture frame's were neatly placed.

Gojo reading books? you snorted at that thought and walked more closely to the bookshelf to check it out.

Lots of picture frame's with Him, Suguru, Shoko when they were still in middle school wayyy before you came around.

You continued checking them out laughing at one where Gojo and Geto were wearing dresses which was a bit funny for Gojo to frame that it did however show how much he cherished Geto.

After looking through a few more you stumbled across one which was facing down.


But you being a very curious person, you picked up the picture frame, a gasp soft left your lips as you stared at the picture you knew all too well.

You and Gojo both with big smiles on your face's Gojo holding the polaroid camera while you held a peace sign grinning wildly and happily.

It was the night you kissed him for the first time.

You both had just finished smoking a blunt in his daddy's car being the happiest you ever were.

Right before you and Sukuna got together.

You stared fondly at the picture, Creasing Gojo's face oh how happy he looked.

He kept it.

He kept the picture even after years passed even after you drifted apart from him.

If only you could turn back time and do the right choice just this once.

Your heart felt like it was being ripped apart.

You missed him.

Breaking away from your trance, you put back the picture just where you found it.

Wiping away the lone tear that you hadn't even realized had fallen.

"Watcha doin?" Gojo's voice startled you, catching you off gaurd, turning around there stood Gojo arms crossed and a questioning gaze looking right at you.

"Just looking around," You said smiling at him he nodded understandingly and walked towards you.

"Since when do you read?" You asked your eyes trailing backwards the big bookshelf.

"For sometime." He said, staring blankly at you who was now looking back at him.

"Right." You mumbled the awkward tension in the room overwhelming you, he changed the old Gojo would rather die then read a book it shows how much he's changed since everything.

"Your phone finally stopped blowing up," He pointed out catching your attention off of the ground.

"Yeah, i think it's dead." You chuckled trying to ease the awkward tension.

"I think Sukuna might be plotting both of our deaths at the moment." You joked, now sitting down on the couch.

Gojo laughed and joined you on the couch barely leaving any space between the two of you, that's how close he was to you.

Girlfriend - Gojo satoru x readerWhere stories live. Discover now