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A Week Later...

You were now in Elena's flower shop trying to take a break from your work... and your phone. Or more specifically the app Cupid Matchmaker App. As you sat at the register while watching Elena water and feed the flowers. While Tiana took pictures of flowers and Elena. While they were in their own little words, consumed in each other as they spoke. You were lost in your thoughts thinking about a lot of things. Sighing, you rest your head on your hand. As you thought of the past few days.

You have been mostly working on your paintings. Getting some projects done and sending them out to their buyers or new owners. But in between breaks and at night you were also speaking to people on the app Elena had sent you. It was hectic to begin with and you were so nervous. But now you are going with the flow of everything now. It was all you can do.

There were many people on the app. Some were just disgusting with wanting nothing more than nudes and sexting. Which you blocked quickly. But then there were people who were dull or didn't know what you were talking about. Then there were ones who didn't have the same interests as you and or stopped talking mid sentence. Which was nerve wracking but you got over it. You didn't know what to do... besides wait.

You didn't know why you thought it would happen so quickly. Finding your person or the love of your life. But you could say you were learning to be patient with the whole ordeal. But it didn't make it any less hard. You were learning to cope with your nervousness. You also were learning to talk to new people and be excited over it. Which had you smile. You were against the whole thing in the first place with joining the app. But you were learning a whole lot from it.

"What are you smiling about, Y/n," Tiana asked. Which grabbed Elena's attention as she walked over to you leaning over the counter. Tiana and herself were talking when they saw a smile wash over your lips. Which Tiana took a picture of you with her own smile. Before letting the camera fall against her chest being that it was attached to a strap around her neck. As she walked over to stand next to Elena. Hearing and seeing the two you lift your head from your hand and smile widely. You were about to speak but was cut off by Elena.

"Have you met someone on the app? Please tell me. Spill the tea. I wanna know," Elena beamed. As she grabbed your hands that were laying on the counter, and began jumping up and down with a wide smile. She was hoping that you had found someone to talk to. All she wanted was for you to be happy and experience love like she has with Tiana. She wanted you to be happy so badly. That she wanted to help you in any way that she can. You were always there for her through everything that she had gone through. She wanted to be there for you as well. But she never told you how much she wanted you to be happy because she didn't want to overwhelm you. So she kept it to herself and Tiana. A giggle escaped your lips at her antics. As you shook your head at her. That was when Tiana spoke.

"Calm down sweetheart," Tiana chuckled softly, ordering Elena. As she placed a hand on her girlfriend's back. Trying to calm her down. Elena soon stopped and sent the two of you a pout. Before smiling when Tiana kissed her cheek. Seeing the two of them had you smiling with another giggle. You loved them both like sisters and also admired their relationship. You shipped them together. They were like polar opposites but balanced each other out quite well. What the other had that the other didn't. But they made it work out with each other. Shaking your head again you looked down bashfully at your's and Elena's hands. Before nodding and speaking.

"I can't with you Elena. But no, I haven't met anyone on the app. Though there are a lot of people who are diverse that I have talked to I haven't clicked with anyone yet. But being on the app has taught me a few things though," you informed the two girls with a smile. Patting her hands you got up from your seat and stood up straight. As you walked around the counter. Smiling at the two you bit your lip and held out your arms for a hug. Elena was quick to pull you into a hug along with Tiana.

𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐈𝐃 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐌𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐏𝐏Where stories live. Discover now