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"My babies!"

Once the door of the classroom opened and her cheery voice filled the room, Moon's students began rushing towards the door. She tried her best to balance herself at their overwhelming affection, feeling relieved that they were safe. Doing a quick headcount and visual check of their wellbeing, she sat on her usual chair and gave all of them a hug each.

"I missed you so much."

Calling out everyone by their names, she made sure to give every single student ample affection to express her feelings. They began gathering at her feet, grabbing onto her long skirt she's donned on, still a little shy to bear her newly healed legs.

'What did you do?'

'Did you see pirates?'

'Did you save anyone?'

'Aye Aye Captain!'

The questions and comments kept on flooding her ears, and Moon let out a happy chuckle, wiping her tears away. She calmed down soon, her eyes scanning their innocent faces.

"Well, Teacher Moon learned that there are good pirates too."

"Really?! Like Uncle Pen, Peng... Pen, Ginny?"

"Yes! Like Uncle Penguin."

Her class consisted of children of various ages, some of their development a little slower due to malnutrition in their early stages of life. Moon waited patiently for everyone to ask their questions, answering them slowly and carefully so that everyone could understand.

"There can be nice pirates, but there are bad pirates too."

'Whoosh! Stab! Kill!'

"Stab? Kill? Where did you learn that from?"

Hearing about the nonchalant way the substitute teacher carried out the lessons that were often accompanied by unnecessary details and false rumors about Moon, she shook her head in disbelief. I knew those teachers didn't give a shit about these children. Her plan was to revise some mathematics today, but she scratched that idea and spent the whole day telling stories about her life in the submarine, with some details taken out and some details added in for flavour.

"There was this huge, evil octopus, and the captain of the ship just... Shoosh! Defeated it in one move."

Making up stories turned out to be extremely entertaining for her as well, and she laughed the entire time, feeling a different kind of joy being around her children. She just adored their affectionate ways, their attempts at trying to be an adult and their giggles that could not be replicated by any adult.

After a day of lessons, Moon entered the basin area to wash her hands thoroughly and look into the mirror. Removing the cardigan Law bought her that day, she carefully laid her eyes on her arms. They were surely free from any of the wounds she tried to hide from her children, only left with remnants of bigger scars that would take some time to heal completely. They no longer itch and no longer made her resent her lonely life. Not used to smiling in the mirror, she tried pulling her lips up awkwardly when one of the male office workers came into the same area as well. His eyes first noticed how radiant she looked compared to before and how her eyes were gentler and her jaws were no longer clenched. Finding his gaze uncomfortable, she put the cardigan back on hurriedly. The male staff eyed her for a while, surprised that she was dressed so differently after her long days of being missing. There were many speculations about her nature and her background, and he smirked a little, ready to spread some gossip around the area.

"I guess you went for some... Holiday, I assume?"

"None of your business."

"Miss Moon, don't get cocky just because you have weird powers. Your students are graduating soon, and you won't see them again. Who knows what your future students will be like?"

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