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It has been 3 months since her departure.

Moon had to go through 3 months of probation before becoming a full-fledged marine and was not allowed to have any contact with the outside. She was kept relatively busy with the recruit trainings, which she passed with flying colours. She was also occupied with getting used to the new colleagues and attention she kept receiving, be it good or bad.

Her first day was already chaotic— the marines crowded around her like an animation movie, her discomfort even more due to her sensitivity picking up even the discreet ones hiding around. Koby had to get Helmeppo to chide them, which he did with much pride. The other recruits scurried away afterward, making the new recruit Moon sigh a breath of relief. Law was absolutely right, and she was growing irritated. She only got to see the children twice a week during the mandatory training period, and her hatred for adults was showing quite obviously to the point she was pulled out to be reprimanded once.

"Why am I so easily irritated these days?"

She muttered to herself after noticing the changes being here for a month, and it did not get any better with time. The next month was the same— she was wondering if it was her inability to adjust to a new lifestyle without Law, or her body physically reacting to the changes. She definitely felt heavier and more sluggish despite doing more workouts, and her eyes were often swollen from crying. Her period was lighter too, which was something she found really odd, but the other female senior recruits shared the same sentiments as her, so she waved it off.

The third month was a bit better, and she concluded it was the absence of Law, the adjustment to the new lifestyle, and the constant stress of being surrounded by males seeking her attention. She had too many reasons to back up her changes and refused to see the doctor as it reminded her of Law. After 3 months of physical exhaustion, mental breakdowns, and emotional instability, she passed the probation period and was awarded a badge on her uniform.

All these for a badge, huh, she thought, staring at the shiny metal she pinned on the blazer before changing out to shower. She was currently lying down on the bed following a refreshing bath, waiting for the timing where the new recruits were to be transported out for a short vacation as a reward. Law was the first person she contacted as soon as everyone was awarded their snails back, and she knew he'd be waiting at the same place they bid their farewell to. The only problem she foresaw was people questioning why she would not take the same form of transport as the rest, and the other recruits knowing she was affiliated with pirates. Hence, Moon decided to wait for the other recruits to be gone first, and request to be transported to G-14. This was the most plausible option given that she often protested to spend more time with her students, and Koby was already in the works of preparing a small marine raft for her.

"I can't wait. I really can't wait."

Muttering this over and over again to herself, she noticed her mood being elevated in an instant and decided her body was just screaming for the comfort of her favourite pirate captain and crew. Grinning in what felt like eons, Moon took Senior Recruit Gary's cue to follow him out. She would attract attention just by existing, so she had to be extra discreet. Using her powers to her advantage, she put a coat over her uniform and pushed in the marine cap even further into her head. Once she saw Gary waiting for her by the waters, she grabbed onto his hand and got onto the raft, shutting her eyes to avoid seeing the ocean. Gary made sure to stabilise her from time to time, and she only spoke up once they were at their destination.

"Thank you, Gary."

After a short line of appreciation, she got off at G-5 and took the snail out, looking around warily. After checking that there was no one peeking at her, she dialled The Polar Tang's number and placed it to her ear.

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