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It's been an hour since Law had disappeared into his room. Moon paced around the space nervously before getting out to knock on his door carefully, her hands trembling a little. She heard no response from the other side and tugged on the doorknob to check that it was unlocked. After verbalising that she was going to enter, Moon opened the door slowly to enter step by step, every step deliberately soft and gentle.


He gave no verbal response, only glancing over shortly to check that it was indeed the owner of the voice he was feeling sorry yet frustrated about. Seeing his tired eyes made her heart ache, as she took another step in to sit on the fluffy rug, gesturing for him to join her. She picked up the hat he's thrown on the floor, holding it to her chest.

"Law, come here,"

It was tough for him to be this emotionally vulnerable, even if he had been improving tremendously in this department. His pride and ego holding him back, Law stared at her for a while before slowly walking towards where she was, leaning on the wall while looking down at her. She did not like this dynamic of him looking down at her, but she decided this was the best she was going to get and relented.

"What do you want?"
"Law. I'm hurt."

She was scarily confident in expressing herself; her childlike yet bold maturity to spell out how she felt made him stare at her in awe, his heart softening after hearing those three words. He went over to take a seat about an arm's length away, his eyes scanning the way she was clutching onto his hat as if it were something very previous.

"You wouldn't think that I'm so stupid, right? To just become a marine?"
"Yeah. I figured that much."

I'm sorry, he wanted to say. However, he still stared quietly, waiting for the next thing she was going to say.

"Well, I do have a few conditions I am going to suggest to them."
"Tell me."

Him and his weird ways of commanding yet again. Seeing his past curt self peeking out, Moon sighed slightly before meeting eyes with him. What a grumpy child. She held onto his wrist, making him take down the walls he's built in an attempt to appear indifferent.

"I'm going to be a teacher. But I'm also going to demand that I don't have to engage in fights, especially against certain pirates that share the same sentiments as me regarding children."
"Mugiwara-ya and us."
"You're right. It is a stretch, but as long as I demand that I don't have to fight, which I kind of doubt they'll let... I'm okay with it. With being in the marines."

It is a safe space for the children, and for her, she added on. Law looked down at the floor for a while, knowing how much her skills were valued in the world of marines. Her eyes turned more determined, as she tightened the grip on his wrist and nodded her head. Her hair flowed along to her movements, distracting the distraught captain.

"I was not asking for your permission, Law. I was informing you. I have already called them."
"Yeah. You might be a captain, but you can't order me around."

Law's eyes trembled even harder; he didn't know she had immediate contact with a marine, and from The Polar Tang? He grabbed onto her shoulders rather roughly, looking down at her with worry and a bit of anger.

"I used a portable snail the marines gave me. Don't worry, I didn't expose anything about you guys."
"Are you out of your mind?"
"No, Law. I have already told you, and you accepted it. You knew it was coming."
"Yeah, but this is all too sudden. Why didn't you tell me you were going to contact them?
"As if you'd have sat there obediently while I did that."

At her nonchalant ways of speaking, Law watched with his mouth widened, unsure on what to say next. She dropped the hat and dug into his embrace, wrapping her arms around him. He released her shoulders and returned the hug carefully, not hugging back too tightly yet. She took in a whiff of his scent; freshly cut leather with a hint of musk and medical grade antiseptic.

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