Remember Me

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After Clarke had Murdered Finn, she went into Lexa's tent to talk about how to rescue their people. While that was happening, Raven was grieving over Finn's body, Jaycee was going to walk up to her to tell her it was her fault but someone walked up to Raven, "Go away," Raven said to Clarke without looking at her, "Raven I'm sorry," Clarke pleaded with the girl.

"I said go away!" Raven practically yelled with teary eyes. "I know how hard this must be for you, but I'm leaving with the Grounders and I need you to work on the radio with Jaycee," Clarke said.

Then there were Grounders taking Finn's body, "What are you doing? What are you doing?!" Raven tried to stop them but it was no use. "Raven we need to take him-" Before Clarke could finish Raven yelled, "Like hell you do!" Grounders were now trying to grab Raven, "Get off!" She yelled out. "Give us a minute," She said to the grounders, "Raven please-" Again Raven interrupted her, "You agreed to this?"

Clarke sighed, "We're taking him back to the village where the massacre took place, there's a death ritual. It's the only way to get our people out of Mount Weather," Jaycee was just standing there, feeling guilty for their argument.

"Then I'm coming too, and don't worry, I'll bring your damn radio," Raven then left. After a while, Clarke had left too. Jaycee was just standing there with tears in her eyes.


Jaycee was sitting next to Raven, while Raven was working on the radio, Jaycee was looking behind her, mostly at Finn's corpse, she then began to have teary eyes. While she was thinking of a way to tell Raven and Clarke, someone put a hand on her hand, Jaycee looked away from the body and looked at her hand to see it was Raven who placed her hand on top of Jaycee's.

"How are you?" Raven asked the girl, Jaycee chuckled, "I should be the one asking you, I mean you lost someone you loved, I'm so sorry Raven..." Raven Had teary eyes as she nodded at Jaycee's words. "Me too,"

Jaycee took a deep breath in, "We're going to be okay right?" Raven looked at Jaycee, "Yeah. Why wouldn't we be okay?" Jaycee smiled at the girl, choosing not to tell her now, "No reason" as they continued to ride on the wagon.


It was now dark out, the sky people and Grounders were setting up camp 10 miles away from Tondc.

Jaycee was sitting down, looking at the fire with her knees pulled into her chest. It was quiet until she heard Bellamy speak. "Clarke, it's safer on our side," He reasoned with the girl but she denied, "We need to trust them, Bellamy, There are no more sides." Clarke then sat down and lay down to rest.

Bellamy looked at the girl's actions, he then looked around, he then saw Jaycee. He walked up to the girl and sat next to her, no one spoke, and no one did anything. He was the first one to break the silence, "You okay?" Bellamy asked. Jaycee just nodded her head, not looking at him but looking at the fire that was in front of them.

"Can I ask you something?" Jaycee asked the boy. Bellamy nodded then said 'Yes'

"What were you talking about with Clarke," She looked at him, "I saw how worried she was when you two were talking," Jaycee said to him. Bellamy looked at the girl, "We were talking about a plan to get into Mount Weather, she was able to get out, my plan was for me to go in, be the inside man," Bellamy said as he looked at the girl. "No, don't do it, please"

Bellamy looked down at his hands, "That's not up to you" Jaycee looked at him with her dopey eyes, "Bellamy think... What happens if they find you? I mean I already lost so many people, I lost Finn, Jasper, and Monty, I can't lose you too" She begged him. "Monty and Jasper are alive, Clarke said-" Jaycee interrupted him, "Yeah but that was a week ago... things change, they could be dead right now..." Jaycee looked at him as tears were now falling on her face.

The Unwanted Child {1}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora