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It had been two weeks since Mount Weather. Everything was slowly getting better. Camp Jaha was now named Camp Arkadia, Jaycee was happy that it was changed, she still didn't like Jaha.

Jaycee had been resting for the past two weeks. Today was the day she was finally able to walk around without any help.

She remembers how someone had to be there with her because whenever she walked by herself she would fall on the ground since she could barely walk due to the mountain people taking her bone marrow

Today she didn't need help, she got up from her bedroom bed and changed into cargo pants, a green t-shirt, and she put her hair in a braid.

She walked out, she had a little limp but either than that she was better than before.

She walked out the front door from her room and to the outside bit.

She took a deep breath. And she exhaled

She looked around and saw Octavia training, she smiled at her closest friend. Ever since Octavia saw Jaycee barely alive, she's been worried about Jay practically every day

Octavia stood up from the ground and turned around to see Jaycee smiling at her and walking.

Octavia hurried to Jay and gave her a tight hug. "So you're able to walk now I see" Octavia said as she pulled away.

"Yeah, I am, who knew resting for two weeks and not walking around could speed up my healing process" Jaycee smiled

"Uhh I did," then both girls laughed.

"Have you seen Jasper?" Jaycee asked the Blake girl.

"Uh yeah, he's over there" Octavia pointed to Jasper who was walking around with earbuds on.

Jaycee looked at her brother, Monty told her who Maya was, and who she was to Jasper, and ever since her death, he's been different, and not a good different.

Jasper barely visited her because he didn't feel like crying to his older sister about someone he loved. He felt like she wouldn't understand.

Jaycee always felt sad when he didn't visit, I mean they haven't seen each other in weeks and now that they are finally back, he's been slightly avoiding her.

Monty even told her how Jasper was avoiding him like the plague. Jasper blames Monty for Mayas death, he was the one who radiated level 5, killing everyone but their people in the mountain.

Jaycee decided that Jasper needed some time alone and that she would speak to him later.

"Yeah, I'll talk to him later, uh I'm going to go take a walk" Jaycee said.

Octavia then nodded "hey, um have you spoken to Bellamy at all?"

Jaycee shook her head "no, not since we got back two weeks ago, he didn't come and visit me once" Jaycee shrugged

"Talk to him, he's in his room, he said he needs to speak to you" Octavia said as she walked away.

Jaycee didn't understand the older Blake. I mean he said he cared about her but not once went to see her. She sighed and walked slowly to Bellamy's room.

The only reason she knew where it was is because she was told by Octavia.

As soon as Jaycee got to Bellamy's door, she hesitated to knock.

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