Survival of the Fittest

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After the truce had finally restarted, Jaycee was in the room next to Kane as they were talking about what the plan was for Mount Weather. "Alright, quiet down, Indra, please," Kane told their leader. Then everyone was quiet. "I know we don't have a lot in common. But we do have one comen enemy and a common goal. And for us to reach it, to get our people out of Mount Weather, we need to work together." Kane took a brief pause, "Ogeda. Skaikru and Trikru." (Together, Sky people and Tree people) Kane spoke. "Our survival depends on you, sharing your knowledge of this world..."

Jaycee felt a little dizzy but she let it pass as she was standing. She then looked to see Murphy talking with a grounder, then all hell broke loose when Murphy shoved the grounder back, Kane walked up to them, "Mr. Murphy, apologize to that man," Kane said with an affirmative tone. "For what? He was the one who came to me," Murphy tried to tell Kane but he didn't listen.

"Two days work detail," Woah, Kane was not kidding, Jaycee thought. "Work detail? I just told you I didn't do it-" Kane interrupted him, "Care to make it three?" Murphy scoffed and stayed quiet. He then apologized. Kane started to walk back and then Jaycee walked up to Murphy.

"You good?" She asked him, "Peachy" Murphy replied.

The grounder then walked up to Murphy, "You can burn just like your friend," He said, then that's what pissed off Murphy. He punched the grounder in the face, "Murphy! Murphy! Stop!" Kane yelled at him. Then a full riot breaks out.

Murphy gets pushed back, and Jaycee goes to go help him but she gets shoved by someone and then falls on her bottom. "Ouch," Murphy walked up to the girl, "You okay?" Jaycee nodded


Jaycee and Raven were in the coms room, trying to fix the radio a little more. No one had said a word, Jaycee looked at the Reyes girl, she was going to say something but decided not to. "I'm sorry," Raven said, Jaycee looked up at the girl.

"I don't blame you for Finn's death, it's just that I was so angry and I needed to pin it on someone, I was going for Clarke but when you told us what you did... I just took it out on you" Raven then looked at the girl, "I should've done something, anything, instead I just stood there like an idiot," Jaycee said as she was fixing something she had in her hand. "No, you couldn't have stopped him from doing it, he would have never given up, and the grounder" She paused before she continued her sentence, "They were never going to stop," Jaycee then looked down.

There it was again, the words that Finn had told her.

He then looked at her, and that's when Jaycee realized he was going to give himself up. "Don't do it, I know what you're gonna do, just don't we can find another way, we can-" She was rambling, "Jaycee!" He whispered/yelled. He then shook his head, "They were never going to stop," He then pulled her into one last hug, "Take care of them for me, Please... May we meet again," Jaycee then had tears in her eyes as she whispered, "May we meet again,"

Someone had brought her out of her thoughts, "Hey can you replicate this frequency?" Jaycee turned to her left and saw that it was Clarke. Jaycee didn't know where they stood, she didn't want to make anything worse so she decided to stay quiet and let Raven handle it.

"Yeah, I can totally replicate this frequency," Raven replied to Clarke's question.

"Good, if we can neutralize the reapers, the tunnels are an option. Get on it, both of you" Clarke said looking at both mechanics.

"You don't need to give us orders, Clarke. We got this" Raven said as she turned away from Clarke.

Then a new voice came in, "Jaycee, any words from Bellamy?" Octavia asked her friend as she went to stand next to her.

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