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The remaining days of the festival passed like a blur in Athena's mind, it was good to have taken advantage of that time, it was great for her to get used to this world and his people. Now she was spending most of her time reviewing several laws that would need to be changed urgently in addition to studying in depth about how the entire bureaucratic process of the cities worked, and she was impressed by the fact that things have not yet gone apart.

"Whoever drafted these laws here had no idea of absolutely anything, I am not surprised by the legal chaos in these cities" Athena grumbled analyzing the various scrolls with the laws, it was each absurd law that was leaving the woman incredulous "many taxes and little money applied"

The work in recent days has been quite demanding since the council was pressing her for something, for a result, for something really useful in the middle of this mess. She had already had disagreements with more than half of the men present on the queen's council, finding their opinion very futile and irrelevant, since many refused the changes and wanted even more privileges.

What also led to the first fight of Athena and Daenerys, who had not spoken properly two days ago, she was the master of laws and Daenerys was the queen, their interaction was only formal protocol, it was a fight of looks, a political fight in the council's discussions. Not only the discussion about the laws but all the stress caused by the Stark House, whose dealers should have already arrived, and this delay also caused a conflict with the current hand of the queen.

"You only say this against them, because you are afraid of the queen changing her mind about you, Daenerys is blinded by you girl. Where have you ever seen a woman, an unknown woman, to such an important position."

The news of the tremor between the members of the court and the rumors reached the queen, who preferred not to interfere in this confusion, in parts because she thought she should not intrude in the personal affairs of the priestess and because she was not prepared to face Athena. This decision by Daenerys gave room for conversations to begin to circulate and there was strong opposition to her appointment as master of laws, an omission that the queen would later regret, because this would change Athena's heart.

As the Priestess could not focus more after spending the night cataloguing several important information, she decided to leave her room to walk and breathe fresh air, after all, how bad was that? The weather in the city was cold, a refreshing thing compared to the unbearable heat of the last few days, she wanted to enjoy this feeling as she walked through the corridors and walked towards the garden.


I wasn't a big fan of winter, but I thanked it when the temperatures started to drop a little to alleviate this infernal heat that was in the city. Seriously, isn't it possible that none of the previous rulers thought of a construction that didn't look like an oven during the summer? My mother always said that we should not judge the book by the cover, in this case it was the opposite, the cover was beautiful but the book was total shit.

The palace was beautiful on the outside, but full of structural problems on the inside. Lately we were spending a lot of resources so that our stay was possible inside the construction, a lot of water was being used to relieve some of the heat, I had to schedule a meeting with the inventors and builders, they would have a good solution for that.

Currently my favorite place in the palace was where there was a large tree with the white trunk and blue leaves, that tree was one of the most beautiful native species in the city. I was kneeling to pray, I was not a very religious woman but with the feeling of something horrible approaching, the only thing I could do in the current situation was to pray.

REMEMBER - DAENERYS Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant