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The days had passed like a blur in the mind of Athena, who carefully watched every movement inside the palace, ensuring that nothing went off the rails now that finally everyone was about to leave for Westeros, ready to conquer again the infamous chair known as the Iron Throne. She had pondered many things in recent days and had already decided that she would tell Daenerys about Rhaegar's two children who were still alive: Aegon Targaryen and Jon Snow. She rebukened herself for the delay in telling this news to Daenerys without knowing how her beloved would react to learning of the existence of two very close relatives who were alive and very close to her.

"Whey worries you so much, my beloved princess? What afflicts you?" Daenerys asked when she noticed the thoughtful expression of Athena, who looked at the clouds while the dragons stood near the two in the huge grass field near the palace.

"We need to talk before we leave for Westeros, and I don't see a more appropriate place than this so that we can have this conversation. It's no secret that I traveled from far away to help a queen of a dynasty who was on a hard path, just as it's not a secret that my duty is to take care of your safety. I must take care of you as a person who receives orders from the queen and as a person who is your lover." Athena spoke seriously while holding the queen's hands tenderly. "There is some information that I hid from you for security reasons because things were not very good and I did not know how my knowledge of finished things could affect the situation. Never think that I would hide this from you forever, pretending that I don't know important things, especially when the information can affect your reign."

Daenerys was very worried about the words of her beloved because it was rare to see the fear in her voice and the concern in her eyes when things were apparently quiet. The queen was very apprehensive about the woman's actions because she knew that the news would not be good; they could not be good by the expression that crossed Athena's face at that moment. That was something she needed to talk about with Athena. The woman needed to explain to her future princess consort that no matter what it was, she could tell Daenerys, and things would never need to reach this absurd point of tension again. Her love was a woman who told many jokes and was always cheerful, but at that moment all the joy disappeared, giving way to fear and a look of understanding.

"His brother, Prince Rhaegar, had two children. One of these sons was presumed to be dead in the attack that took place in the capital while the other was hidden over a disguise in a noble house." Athena began to tell what made her so apprehensive, seeing how the queen widened her eyes when she discovered the existence of a second nephew. "The two are alive, very much alive, and can bring serious problems to you in the future. Both were born a few months before their birth, a difference of maybe only two months, but that doesn't matter much; what matters is that you need to know about their existence. One of them is known as Young Griff here in Essos, and the other," she sighed, about to release the most important part, "is known as Jon Snow, the son of Prince Rhaegar with Lyanna Stark."

The queen felt her world turn, and the stability of her own feet seemed to be compromised as she struggled with herself to maintain the balance of her own legs, which threatened to give in to the shock of the news. She had heard some whispers about this man named Young Griff, but the news of another son of her brother was quite unknown to Daenerys. That man who came to ask for her help was her nephew, his brother's son with the daughter of former Lord Stark, the fruit of a relationship that was the trigger for a bloody rebellion that almost ended House Targaryen. As a sister, she admired the tales about the bravery of her older brother, but as a queen and as a woman, she despised his attitudes. It was impossible not to see that he was not the perfect prince that the songs narrated. His brother was directly responsible for the deaths of Elia Martell and his eldest daughter, Princess Rhaenys, all in the name of a prophecy. Her brother was not a normal person either; there was no healthy explanation for his obsession with a prophecy that was more than three hundred years old. This was a legend.

His brother might not have kidnapped Lady Stark, but that did not take away the weight of his acts, about his responsibility, and about how he had ended the lives of two women for being obsessed with a prophecy. The rebellion would happen anyway because it was something that could not be avoided given his father's terrible mental conditions and how he was leading his own kingdom to decline. The danger that the existence of these two children of her brother brought to their reign was unquestionable because they were men. History has already shown that men prefer to plunge the kingdom into chaos if it prevents a woman from sitting on the Iron Throne.

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